chapter 23.

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"so she just went to california hoping you'd get back together with her ?" ice asked.

"yes, like the girl is a lunatic" i said.

we were in the locker room getting ready for practice. i had got back to Connecticut last night. i was ready to tell the girls about what went down.

ionk what's going on with azzi but she's definitely changed. this is not the old her. usually as you get older you get wiser and better as a person but she's downgrading. the older she get the worse.

apart of me knows azzi needs help.. everyone knows it. even she know it herself but she has to much pride and refuses to get help. she doesn't see anything wrong with her actions and that's gone be her biggest downfall in the future.

i watched as she walked into the locker room. she had both airpods in and i could hear her music blasting. she refused to make eye contact with any of us.

"she just needs help" qadence said.

"i agree" i said.

i texted amoura to let her know that i made to practice safely.

my wife🫶🏾- paige
myprincess🩷- amoura

my wife🫶🏾: good morning baby! i just got to practice. i will text you after i love you and be safe🤞🏾.

myprincess🩷: good morning my love! have a good practice. i love you more and i will 🫶🏾.

i put my phone down and changed into my practice jersey.

we headed out to the court to start practice and the team was really putting in work. not azzi tho. she just was just being lazy and wasn't moving her body. she wasn't even trying and it's really frustrating.

i put down the ball and walked up to azzi. we cannot keep doing this.

"azzi your not even trying" i said.

"okay and ? what's the problem" she said rolling her eyes.

"this is not the time to be messing around, you need to get it together okay. this whole team is putting in work and giving 100% except you."

"i really don't care, this whole team talks crap about me all the time behind my back so why would i even put all of me into this ? why would i give it my all ?"

"azzi you did this to yourself bro. you refuse to got get help even when yk you need it. this is up to you, this is your future on the line it's not effecting us! your only hurting yourself!"

"this is your future. so you can either get it together, or get to stepping! and ik im not the coach but im sure geno would agree. he is just as tired of your crap as the team" paige.

"then i guess i'll get to stepping" azzi said getting in paige's face as well.

she stared at the whole team and then back at paige.. slowly backing up. she stared at paige and then around the gym before walking out.

paige didn't want azzi to quit on them. she just wanted her to get the help that she needed. she watched as azzi walked away.

paige could feel the disappointment in her heart. she thought azzi was better than that, she was never the one to just give up and quit. it was gonna be hard adjusting, because they had lost a another teammate.


"no, ion wanna that" i said to juju.

we have spent 5 minutes tryna find somewhere to eat.. but neither of us wanted what the other person wanted .

"okay how about wing stop ?" she said.

"i had that 2x this week" i said.

"well what do you want kamorea d***" juju screamed slamming her hand against the steering wheel.

i looked at her as she rubbed her forehead. i was in complete shock because she's never done that before or got mad at me over something so small like this.

like this really hurt my feelings. i tried my best to hold back my tears because i am a cry baby and im very sensitive. i slowly picked up my phone.

juju looked at me and i could see her face soften.

"baby i'm sorry okay.. i didn't mean to snap at you i just been stressing and finals are coming up and my brain is cluttered." she said in one breathe.

"it's whatever" i said moving away from her.

"kk i said i was sorry okay what else do you want me to do ?" she said.

"idk take me home" i said.

"dont you want food?" she asked.

"no take me home" i said.

juju drove to chipotle getting me my order. it only made me more frustrated but it was sweet that she still cared.


me and kk's relationship is still as strong as ever but we do have our downsides and our disagreements like a normal couple.

i have been the most stressed out i have ever been this week. finals are coming up and my main focus has been that.

when it comes to academic i do stress. like a lot. but i ended up taking that out on kk and she ain't deserve it. i instantly felt so bad. because like seeing her hold back her tears really broke my heart.

i would do anything to make her happy & i never want to or wanted to make her cry. i gave her her food and drove to our dorm.

she got out and i grabbed my water and got out following behind her. she went to the bathroom and showered. and i did the same since i had nothing else planned for today.

we were both in our own beds, in our own worlds, mind our own business. it was so quiet. the silence kind of bothered me i'm so use to hearing her voice and hearing her laugh.

i got up and walked over to her side of the room. she looked up at me and then continued on her phone. i got in her bed grabbing her chin making her look at me.

"mamas, i'm sorry okay. i really am i ain't mean to scream at you.. finals got me stressed out and i took that out on you and i'm so sorry" i said.

"it's okay, i understand. ik your a nerd and you have to make sure you get all a's" she said grinning.

i hugged her quickly and rocked us back and fourth.

"lol calling me a nerd is crazy" i said laughing.

i looked down and leaned down kissing her. she kissed back and i pulled away.

"i love you beautiful" she said.

"and i love you shawty" i said.

we laid down and kk laid her head on my chest. i rubbed my hands through her thick locs. cuddling with her will always be one of my favorites.

chapter 23🥹! azzi finally had enough and quit. paige was really fed up. i just love amoura and paige. vote and comment 🙃!

bound by basketball- kk arnold + juju watkins Where stories live. Discover now