chapter 9.

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"have you guys talked to kk ?" i asked as we walked into the locker room.

practice just ended and again it wasn't a good one for me.. my mind was cluttered with thoughts of my best friend. like what is she doing ? is she happy ? do she miss uconn ? and a lot more.

"yeah we were on ft last night and she looked so happy" ice said smiling.

"that's good.. i just miss her" paige said looking down at her feet.

azzi walked into the locker room with her phone and a bottle of water. she looked like she was in a good mood.

"hey baby" she said kissing me.

"wassup bae.. why you in such a good mood ?" paige said.

"what im not allowed to be happy ?" azzi asked.

"no not really.. you really deserve to be miserable both of yall if you ask me.. but hey imma mind my business" qadence said.

"well nobody asked you so shut up" azzi snapped back.

"girl you shut up, you cheated on yo gf with HER BEST FRIEND be so fr and then cried and pretended to care while you sitting here still messing around . nah you real life fake and that's why nobody mess with you like that fr" qadence said slamming her locker door shut.

"look guys stop it , this is not helping us alright chill out" ice said.


the team steady coming for me and ik that i was wrong but why make me feel worse about it. i walked out of the locker room and tears rolled down my face.

the overwhelming feeling of having your teammates all against you is not a good feeling. i wiped my tears as more fell down and i could hear a faint sound paige was calling me but i couldn't stop.

"baby wait" paige said as she ran up to me.

i pushed her off of me as i tried to walk out but she was stronger than pulling me into her chest.

"baby chill out.. stop don't cry it's okay" paige said rubbing her back..

she could feel her shirt getting wet. azzi's sniffles made her look down and she began stroking her hair trying to calm her down.

"it's okay ma, don't let them get to you my love" paige said.

"it's just their so mean and i miss kk and she won't come back to us i can't do it anymore" azzi cried to paige.

"azzi, calm down baby it's fine. your making yourself sick.. you don't think i don't feel bad ? i miss her just as much as you but we gotta be strong for her okay ?" paige said.

"thank you babe" azzi said.

paige nodded as she wiped azzi's face. her face was red and her eyes were red and puffy.. azzi took a deep breath and exhaled.

paige brought her in for a hug and azzi rested her head on paige's shoulder. paige continued to rub her back as they sat in a comfortable silence.


"BALL BALL" kk yelled at rayah who passed it to her.. kk was at the 3 point line she looked at the goal and shot making sure she followed her shot.

it went in nothing but net. kk could feel herself getting use to her new team.. she loved it and she loved them. they made her feel special and like she belonged. that's what she wanted.

"yessir kk" kaitlyn said as they slapped hands

aaliyah held up 3 fingers. kk and aaliyah went up to each other and jumped up bumping chests.

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