chapter 41.

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talking too kk's family really made me realize how much of a narcissist her mother is. blaming kk for everything that happened.

"mom please i just want you too love me again. i tried to save him mommy" she cried out.

"well you didn't try hard enough kamorea now please go away" she shouted.

"but mom-"

"and you must be that girl she been telling me about. your not azzi so ion really care" she said.

"well azzi, HURT YOUR DAUGHTER. azzi CHEATED ON YOUR DAUGHTER. azzi made her feel like she wasn't good enough, and made her feel like she wanted to die. so you right im not azzi im better and im treating your daughter better and right. don't ever compare me to her we two different people" i said.

"and you should be ashamed, imagine blaming your daughter for your sons death when she risked her life to save his. your HIS MOTHER YOU SHOULD HAVE WENT BACK IN THAT HOUSE TO GET HIM IT WAS YOUR JOB TO PROTECT HIM AND YOU DIDN'T" i yelled.

i watched as kk started to cry harder. her breathing got heavier and heavier by the minute. i couldn't continue arguing with her mom i had to calm her down. i went over to her hugging her tightly.

she cried into my chest i could hear her voice cracking more and more.

"baby it's okay i promise, your good my love take a deep breath babygirl" i said rubbing her forehead.

"your mother is wrong. don't listen to her she just can't except the fact that she didn't protect you or your brother when she was supposed too"

"but you did baby, your brother is so proud of you and he would be so happy you risked your life to save his" i said.

she calmly held onto my hoodie. gripping it tightly she took a deep breath and hugged me tightly.

"just breathe mamas, your doing so good baby" i said.

"i love you and you should be proud of yourself, don't ever let her get you down because God is very pleased with you and her karma gone come" i said.

i kissed her forehead and she sniffled. she looked up at me and grabbed my hand.

"can we go i don't wanna be here anymore" she said.

"ofc mamas, come on let's get you some food you haven't eaten all day" i said.

i watched as kk rubbed her brothers grave before walking to the car. she got into the passenger seat and was definitely zoned out.

"BABY ?" i yelled and she quickly snapped her towards me.

"huh ?" she asked.

"you okay ?" i asked her.

"ohh yeah, just thinking" she said with a smile.

"well if you needa talk yk im here" i said and she nodded.

she nodded and thanked me kissing me cheek. we put our seatbelts on and headed back to cali. it was a comfortable silence but i could tell something is on kk's mind.

"what's wrong mamas ?" i asked.

she looked at me and wiped her hands down her shirt.

"nothings wrong i'm chillin" kk said nervously biting her nails.

"kk, your literally biting your nails, your sweating, and your legs is bouncing 150 miles per hour. tell me what's wrong baby" i said.

"amoura" was all she said.

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