chapter 14.

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2 months later.


"i've been doing okay.. still sad most days but im getting through it" kk told her therapist.

"have you tried talking it out with some friends or family ? you only see my once a week" her therapist asked.

"i mean i try to talk to my girlfriend but then i just keep it all inside"

"well thats one problem, bottling up how you feel only makes it worse. it would help a lot if you confided in someone"

"what's been going through your head lately ?" her therapist asked.

"um failure.. im scared of failing in life. im scared i might not graduate college" kk said.

"your doing a fabulous job tho pretty. you have all a's your basketball career is only gonna get better.. your a freshmen you still have 3 more years left you got this you just gotta believe in yourself" amanda her therapist said.

kk had been going to counseling for almost a month now.. she had been dealing with depression for more than a year but she finally decided to get help.

she had yet to tell juju she was going to counseling because the thought of being judged by her girlfriend and teammates scared her.


"bestie do not go back to him. he is not good for you and you deserve so much better than him" juju said the her best friend amoura.

"but bestiee, i love him. we dated for almost 5 years" amoura said.

"and i understand that but what he did to you is unacceptable and wrong. he hurt you bestie. you gotta know your worth and know you ain't deserve that and you deserve someone better"

"it's hard to move on especially after 5 years with the same person but there is nothing wrong with starting over. it could be good for you. stop holding on to what was holding you back" juju said.

"your such a wise girl juju.. you've always been wise and smart. thank you"

"ofc your my best friend yk imma have yo back. now block that nigga and move on" juju said.

"and if you don't i will" she added.

juju watched as amoura told him she was done for good. she blocked him and juju couldn't be more proud.. she knew it was hard for her because they were together for 5 years but she knew it was for the best .

the only thing now is making sure she stand on business and don't take him back. she was ready to slap her head if she even thought about it.


"you know most counselors/therapists try to settle their patients problems with constant prescription of medication. it doesn't always work and in some cases it works for a little and then stops"

"but me im here to help you kk.. so that means giving you someone to talk to, to confide in and cry on when you need it most. expressing how your feeling is important and can help you more than you think.. it helps more than medication" amanda said.

"now one last question before our session ends"

"what are you scared of most ?" amanda ask.

"dying" was all kk said.

amanda looked up at her. her face gave sadness. she already knew what kk meant by that one word.

"im scared of dying .. im scared of losing this battle to depression. i'm scared that i might now have much fight in me left, that i cant be any stronger or hold on" kk said.

bound by basketball- kk arnold + juju watkins Where stories live. Discover now