Chapter 3

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"Harry open this door!" I heard screams and banging's on the door coming from outside waking me up.

"Where is she Harry?"

I barely had time to register that it was mother who was talking, when she came in barging through the door with Harry behind her. She saw me in the bed and I knew that this looked bad since Harry was in just his boxers and I was in his bed.

"Well, I should've known you'd give yourself to him the first chance you had."

"No mom we didn't I swear."

"Mrs. Harred, we didn't do anything. I respect your daughter. I slept in the couch; she just slept in my bed." Harry told mother.

"Get over here Maya, we're leaving."

I quickly stood up not wanting her to get angry anymore and walked to her.

"Bye Maya."

"Bye Harry."


Mother and I walked to the elevator waiting for it to descend to the lobby.

"Now they'll think of you as a slut. Look at you, the paparazzi know Harry is here in this hotel and since they got a picture of him carrying you to his room then they'll think him and you slept with each other. Especially since you have that same dress you wore yesterday at the date. Oh and we need to talk about that once we get to the car."

I stayed quiet not knowing how to respond to anything of what she told me. Mom was right, I always mess things up.

"Maya, were you Harry's one night stand?" I got asked by a few paparazzi before I reached our car.

Once mom and I got in I knew that she would get after me.

"The date Maya, tell me how it went."

"It was nice mother; we just had dessert since we weren't too hungry."

"That's it? There's no more to it?"

"No after that I was sleepy and he decided to take me to his house since it was late and I didn't want to wake you up."

"So you're telling me that you had dinner and went home. Well guess what Maya; you're not fucking with me I know you went to the after party. Did you think that the photos they took of you there wouldn't be posted? "

"I- I did go"

"Of course I know that. Why did you go?"

"Because that party was also meant for me."

"No that party is for Angels, you are no longer one of them"

At that moment I don't know what came over me, but I fought back.

"Yes I fucking am mother. From everything that you've made me do I actually enjoy this one. I don't need you anymore, just act like a normal mother for once!"

"You don't need me anymore? I was the one who got you where you are, so you should be thanking me, because you'd be nowhere without me."

"No mom you need me more than I do, you'd be nowhere without me. I don't need this life, you do."

"You enjoy it too much to say you never wanted this. I will stay as your manager, and cut your shit, I don't want to hear you talking anymore."

"Why do you treat me this way? Why do you treat your only daughter like this? What did I do to you, to deserve a mother like this? Answer me!"

"I told you to shut up Maya!"


Once we arrived home I got out of the car and rushed to my room closing the door and throwing myself at the bed. I curled up and sobbed, hoping that one day I could feel true happiness.

"Wake up" I felt someone moving me.

I opened my eyes to see mother by my side. I groaned not wanting to see her or deal with her at the moment.

"Maya wake up. You have a meeting with Modest Management in two hours. Go shower and get yourself ready." She ordered pulling me out of bed.

I went into the shower and used my coconut scented body wash then poured shampoo on my hair massaging my hair. After a few minutes I was done. I wrapped myself in my towel and went to my closet to look for panties and a bra. Once I put them on I toweled dried my hair, letting my wavy hair fall loosely. I choose my outfit which consisted of high waisted shorts, a white crop top, and my white converse. I did my makeup a natural look. Once I finished I grabbed my purse and headed out to the living room where mother was waiting for me.

Arriving at the Modest! Management mother said to the reception lady that I had a meeting to attend. The lady quickly showed us the way. I opened the door to the meeting room seeing Harry already sitting down in front of two men and one girl. I made my way in and sat down next to Harry, mother quickly sitting next to me.

"I thought this meeting was just Maya and I, not mother over here as well" Harry made it clear to mother that she was not wanted here. I snickered a bit making sure that mother wouldn't hear me.

"Harry please. Well this meeting was called to inform you guys of what we want you to do. Oh let me introduce myself. I'm Ana and this is Jay and Thomas" she said pointing to the men next to her. "Okay Maya, you and Harry are to date for one whole year, I'm aware you know this already. Well we want to get your cellphone numbers in case we need to get you in contact for a date or something. We have also been thinking that in a few weeks you Maya should move in with Harry."

"What, we did not discuss this" mother yelled.

"You want what is best for your daughter, don't you?" Ana responded back.

Mother just scoffed and let Ana continue.

"That won't happen until a few weeks, we have got to introduce you as a pair first thing tomorrow. That is why we got you an interview tomorrow Harry. You and the boys will go and once they ask you about being single I want you to introduce the world to Maya Harred as your girl. You Maya will be at your house when this happens. But you will have to go out on a date later that day. We want you to go to the beach, so you guys get in touch and plan at what time it is that you want to go." Ana told us.

We both agreed and stood up excusing ourselves from them, but not before giving them our numbers. Once outside Harry gave me his number and I gave mine to him.

"Harry may I speak with you?" I asked him and saw mother looking completely lost, no idea of what it was that I would speak with him.

"Yeah, c'mon let's go somewhere else"

We stopped at a hallway that was alone and took this as out talking spot.

"About the interview tomorrow, umm... will you tell the boys that we aren't actually dating and that this is all a contract. I mean I think it's best if they knew."

"Yeah I think I will tell them before the whole world knows. They are my mates after all and I wouldn't like to keep this a secret from them."

"Okay, I just wanted to know if you were going to tell them. I wouldn't like having to lie to them. Well see you tomorrow soon to be 'boyfriend' of mine"

That got him laughing "see you tomorrow 'girlfriend' of mine."

I made my way back to mother and then we made our way to our car.

"What did you talk to him about?" she asked me.

"About you mom, he hates you with a passion" I laughed.

This just got my mom a bit angered up, but I didn't care at that moment, after all she is always mad about something.

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