Chapter 35

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He took the box out and looked at me before opening it. Inside was a beautiful...necklace. A hope locket which was outlined by diamonds. Inside of the locket was one single charm, a small pen.

"I want to put in memorable charms in your locket. You'll be carrying our story right on your heart. I had to get the pen of course, you know how we signed the contract and all so that is why there is a pen inside. I want to make memories with you Maya, and I hope the charms always remind you of them."

I looked at the small pen and came to love it. "I love it Harry I really do" I spoke with love laced in my voice.

"I'm glad you did" he said giving me a peck on the lips.

"Will you put it on for me?"

"Of course love."

I gave him the necklace and turned around. He grabbed my hair and put it to the side. His hands came over my head and the necklace made its way to my neck. He clasped it and brought my hair back down. I turned and looked at him and all the love I felt for him came rushing in, and I finally felt ready once again.

"Harry, I-"

"Don't Maya, I want to take you to one last place."

I was shocked at all that Harry was doing for me but grabbed his hand and let him take me to our last place. We got on the car once again and he drove to the destination.

"Where are we going?" I asked wanting to know.

"I just hope you're fine with it" he nervously said.

It didn't take long until he parked the car. We were in a lonely place; there were many trees and a stream. Many flower petals headed one way along with candles here and there. I gasped when something beautiful came into view. The petals stopped on the steps of a beautiful cabin house. I turned to Harry who was behind me, not believing it. It was just amazing. Harry stepped up and opened the door for me letting me in. The cabin didn't look like a normal cabin, it had actual rooms made of walls and not wood, making it feel homely. I was looking around until I felt Harry's hand in mine. He turned me around and took me down a path and up the stairs. We were in front of a door when he turned to me and looked me in the eyes.

"Only if you're ready" he said making me not understand what he was talking about.

He opened the door and inside was a dim lit room with a bed in the middle. There were candles surrounding the bed and curtains on top making it look beautiful yet extravagant. And it was in that moment that I realized what he meant, and I was ready.

"I'm ready" I told him.

He took small steps towards me and raised my chin to get my lips on his. He sweetly kissed me and I him. We kissed slow and sweet savoring every minute of it. He started leading me, with small steps, to the bed. Before setting me on the bed he slowly took his time on unzipping my dress. He let it fall without even glancing at it, his mouth was still kept on mine. He gently picked me up and put me on the bed, him getting on top of me. His lips were on mine.

"I'm falling for you Maya. You don't even understand, you have my heart in your hands."

His words meant so much to me; "We've both fallen for each other" I tenderly spoke.

He got down to me and pecked my lips making his way to my neck. He found my sweet spot making me moan. I got a hold of his shirt and took it off, placing it next to us. I traced his tattoos and kissed them. He got to kissing me again; he placed his hands on my hips and guided them up till they reached my chest. He got them behind my back and swiftly unhooked my bra. He took it off and looked at me in the eyes.

"You are beautiful" he told me.

I put my hands on his jeans and unbuttoned them pulling them down. I then got his briefs and did the same, he taking mine off me as well. That night we made love. That night we fit two people's heart together. That night I felt whole again, but I especially felt loved and connected. That night we gave our hearts to each other.


So yeah that happened. They did the deed. jaja. Hope you enjoyed even if it was a bit short. Oh and hope you heard the song, it is my favorite from them.

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