Chapter 52

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"It's a girl" I tell Ethan.

"I'm so happy for you Maya, I really am." He says through the phone. He was currently back with his family.

"How's your boy?"

"Great, I told my wife about you. Matt wants to meet you."

"I wish to meet him someday" I tell Ethan about meeting his son.

"I'll make sure you get the chance. Maya I really have to leave you, I'm busy."

"It's okay, bye."

I hang up and go to Louis room. In there I tell everyone the news even Harry's there so he hears about them again. They all hug me, and once Harry hugs me all eyes are on us. I ignore them and sit next to him. I miss him. The boys get back to their own thing, but I can sense them looking at us every few minutes.

"It's wonderful seeing you like this, pregnant I mean. It gives you a glow." I hear Harry say to me lowly. I smile looking down at my lap. His hand slowly made his way to mine, we didn't lock our hands together but he did play with the end of my fingers. These small things meant so much to me. I wanted this moment to last forever. His phone suddenly starts ringing and he leaves to answer it. I sighed but acted as if nothing happened.

After a few minutes he comes back to tell us Kendall is on her way. I then excuse myself saying I am tired and go back to my room. But I wasn't tired. And once again I made sure to hide my bump, even though I knew it wouldn't be very well hidden anymore.

*Three months later*

It was all the same. Except for a few things. I was now seven months pregnant. Everyone knew even Kendall, who was eight months pregnant. I know mother might know, but she hasn't called. Ana was a bit mad and has made articles write papers of how it is Harry's, there is no lie there, but they don't really know the truth. For them it's someone random that I could have slept with. Lou has been much more affectionate, Louis and the boys more caring. Harry, we talk and get more along. Today was the final concert for the boys. I was backstage with them getting ready. The family and the crew would get out at the end with the boys. Kendall was a bit mad; she wouldn't be allowed to go, so I had to act as if Harry and I were together. I was looking forward for that just because I know that whatever we did could be covered up by that.

The boys were on their final song. "Everyone out" Mark called out. I quickly followed Lou and made our way out. The crowd was insane. The screams were as loud as ever, the crowd was full of life. We all went onstage and I made my way to Harry. We hugged. I wanted to stay embraced with him forever. It felt nice being in his arms once again, this hug felt different though. Something special embraced us as well.

And then I said it, forget my new chapter. I couldn't be without him. These months we were apart all I did was think of him. How was I able to start something new when all I did was think of my past, think of him. So I said what I felt and what I knew was right. "I love you."

He looked at me with wide eyes. And I didn't expect them but he said them back, "I love you Maya."

We sealed the words with a kiss. The crowd cheered around us. I could finally feel his lips on mine once again. I missed them. I missed him. The kiss felt like it was all back to normal, and I felt like it would never finish. But it did, like all good things, they all come to an end. I couldn't hear anymore, there was no sound. Everything felt rushed, Harry's lips disconnected with mine, and I saw his panicked face. I felt warm, and weak. There was no noise, but I could sense that something was wrong. I no longer felt full of life, I felt myself get surrounded by darkness. Someone was holding me, making sure I never hit the ground. The last thing I saw was Harry's face, he was saying something, but I couldn't hear. Without wanting them to my eyes closed and I could not open them. I couldn't see the light, and suddenly I couldn't sense anything.

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