Chapter 14

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We were all ready so we made our way to the beach I had gone to when I decided to spend the day on my own. Being outside meant that I would have to be seen a lot with Harry since they were most likely be people there taking photos of us. I could sense Kendall's dislike towards that having to happen but this was what we had to do. We arrived and Niall parked the van. We each grabbed our stuff, and just by being two minutes there the attention was on us already. I grabbed Harry's hand before Kendall could. We all walked together towards the beach making our way to a more secluded area. The boys took pictures with the girls and once in a while we took one as well. After the boys got pictures taken Liam spoke to the crowd asking if we could somehow have a bit of privacy. Kindly the fans understood and left, the paparazzi were a bit harder but they listened. We walked a bit more out of their reach and sat in an area next to some rocks.

Everyone was in the water except for me Lou, Lux, Perrie and Zayn. I could see Kendall with Harry from here and I just scoffed.

"Perrie, Maya and I want to find out Kendall's plan, want to help?" Lou asked Perrie.

"What plan?" she said not understanding what we were talking about.

"We think she is working with someone to ruin Harry" Lou spoke shocking both Perrie and Zayn.

"I have some proof, but I don't think it's enough" I spoke to them.

"You know Louis told me about her speaking on the phone with someone about some job" Zayn informed us.

"You see, she is working for someone" raged Lou.

"Well then we'll help right Zayn" Perrie looked at Zayn.

"Yes" he spoke making me smile knowing that they too believed me and were going to help.

They were all still in the water so me and Lou took Lux to the shore. I took my cover up off showing my light pink two piece bikini.

"Maya you look hot" Sophia yelled at me, getting everyone's eyes on me.

I blushed and smiled back at her "thank you Sophia."

We were playing with Lux and having fun. We were then building sand castles and everyone joined us, even Harry and Kendall. We had a nice castle until Louis playfully smashed it down saying how he was the monster and was coming for Lux. After that died down Lux asked Harry if he could cover him with sand. Harry hated sand so it was funny watching him give up on Lux.

"Can I cover you up with sand, please" I giggled.

"Ugh Maya, really? I don't really like sand."



I loved how he always wanted to make Lux happy, but of course Kendall joined and even with Harry's protest of not getting any sand on his face she put some on his face.

"Harry stop"

He then grabbed me by the waist and carried me to the water while I was trashing in his arms.

"Harry don't-" but I was cut off having the water engulf me.

"You son of a... you can't do that" I said catching my breath.

"Aww babe don't get mad"

"I'm not mad; I just hate the feeling of being underwater."

"Okay I won't do it again. Let's go back"

He quickly got up and went to where Zayn was, a bit mad if I do say so myself. Kendall followed him and I knew that it was time to get the truth out of her. I signaled Lou directing my eyes to them. She quickly understood and grabbed Lux making her way to our sitting are. Everyone else followed as well.

We were all in a circle Kendall next to Harry.

"Kendall who do you work for?" Lou started, making me turn to her at how fast she directed the question to her. The question caught everyone to look at Lou and Kendall. Harry quickly gave Lou a confused gaze not understanding where this was going.

"I work for my mom. Every modeling job I have is because of her"

"No I know that but who are you working for. And by that I mean who is paying you to ruin Harry?" Lou asked her clearly wanted to get Kendall's lie out as fast as she could.

"What is wrong with Lou" Harry intervened.

"Kendall is working with someone to ruin you Harry" Zayn spoke to him claiming that what Lou had said was true.

"I'm not working for anyone I don't know what you're talking about" she defended herself.

"Yes you do, stop acting like you don't know. You act so weird around everyone, and then you get these calls that you don't answer when we're with you but you answer them once you're alone and talk about doing something because of a 'job'" I furiously screamed at her.

Harry looked at her wanting not to believe what I just said, "Kendall please tell me the truth."

"There is no truth Harry, no one is paying me to be with you, I truly love you"

"Do you love him or do you love the money" I scoffed at her.

"Shut up Maya! You are just jealous that the person you are in love with doesn't care about you. You never have what you want, you'll never be happy. The story is repeating itself isn't it , you're heartbroken and that's what bugs you" she screamed at me.

"What story?"

"Leo's" she answered. "Harry won't be with you just like Leo" she smirked angering me. I stood up and threw myself at her, this time getting punches in. I felt arms around me and screams but I had had enough of her. And I didn't understand how she knew that.

"Maya stop!" Lou screamed, but I didn't.

Just like I was throwing punches Kendall was as well. Finally the boys separated us and I was in Harry's arms while Kendall was in Louis's arms. I struggled through Harry's arms wanting to get back at her.

"How do you know about that!" I raged. But she wouldn't respond she just smiled with blood dripping from her lip.

"Answer me, how do you know about Leo!"

"How do you think I know" she bitterly laughed.

"Just say it Kendall stop playing around with her" Zayn demanded on her.

"I am working for someone. The plan was to get you Harry away from Maya"

"What?" Harry spoke, I think for all of us.

"You see someone called me asking for help. They told me that I had to be with Harry so that he could forget about Maya."

"But there's a contract between them" Niall told her still not understanding where this was going to.

"She didn't care about the contract. She only cared about one thing and that was, since seeing Maya so in love and happy around these people, she wanted Maya's happiness to end."

"So it's someone that knew about the contract?" Harry asked her.

"Oh she knows it well. Maya she doesn't want to see you happy. She wants the best for you" she laughed.

"What does that mean?" Lou asked her.




The words were running through my head, and then it finally clicked.

I do this because I want the best for you

I looked at Kendall with tears in my eyes not believing that she would do all of this to me again.

"Maya your mother wants what is best for you" she snickered knowing that I had figured out who it was.


Louis confirmed he'll be a dad and Zayn broke it off with Perrie. 

So much has been happening.

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