Chapter 15

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I broke down with shock written on my face not believing that mother had planned this. How could she do this to me? How could mother hurt me this way?

"What do you mean?" I heard Harry scream at her.

"I was paid to be with you" she laughed.

"Leave, now Kendall leave I don't want to see you again!"

"It's okay Harry; I got what I wanted anyways."

"Maya... let's go back to the hotel" Lou kindly offered knowing how I was feeling right now.

I looked up to her, "why does she do this to me" I cried.

"Oh honey...I –"

"Maya I am so sorry I should've believed you, all of you" Harry interrupted Lou and made his way to me grabbing a hold of me.

"Let go of me Harry. You thought I was playing around. You threw me out of my room to have her there." I felt angry, angry at everything.

"I know and I feel bad for it Maya, please forgive me, all of you"

"I can't. You made me feel pathetic, I liked you Harry and it would hurt watching you with her. You said you cared about me but ever since you were with her you forgot me. I liked you." I said breaking down at the end of my sentence.

"Liked" his face scrunched up with sadness.

"Yes, liked, not anymore Harry. I mean how would it work with the contract. It was stupid of me to think we could be something. Sorry for having my mother put you through this with Kendall, but maybe it'll teach you to believe what one says to you" I spoke to him with my head held high wiping off my tears and made my way towards the van.


Rachel: Maya you are coming back to L.A. this instant. Pack your bags I got you a modeling shoot.

Maya: Yes mother. May I ask what the shoot is for?

Rachel: oh you'll like this one. You'll find out once you're here.

Maya: What about Harry?

Rachel: Ana told me something about having separate interviews while you guys are away from each other so I'll get yours ready.

Maya: Okay, well bye I'll start packing.

Rachel: I got you the next flight to L.A. Be at the airport in two hours.

Maya: I will bye.

I started packing my bags after texting mom. Lou was helping me out so that I could finish quicker. I had agreed to leave not only because of the photo shoot but because I would take this opportunity to confront my mom on why she brought Kendall along to the contract and why Kendall said what she said.

"Are you going to tell Harry?"

I sighed and thought about it "I'm not sure. Should I?"

"Well you two aren't technically dating, plus it'll give Harry the chance to feel what it feels to lose you" she evilly grinned.

"Wow Lou you are mean. Planning this against Harry, you've known him more than me" I joked.

"It'll make him figure out his feelings for you, and yes I know him more and that is why I tell you that this will make him figure everything out, plus I care for you and I just want you to have a break, if you could call it that, from each other."

"I don't have feelings for him anymore Lou, so his feelings would not matter to me anymore, and yes I do need this break."

"Sure, you can't lose feelings in a day" she stated.

"Well I did Lou."

"Whatever you say Maya"

We finished packing and we were making our way to the elevator. Lou and Lux were going to drop me off at the airport. We passed the boys rooms and right when we passed Harry's room the door opened. I tried to walk faster so that he wouldn't call for me, but he did.

"Where are you going?" Harry looked down at my bags.

I looked at Lou and she gave me a look telling me to go with her plan. "I'm leaving, obviously..."


"Back home" We stared at each other for a while the silence engulfing us. I turned around ready to make my way when he grabbed my arm and made me look at him.

"You can't leave Maya"

"Why? Because you no longer have anybody?"

"Maya please don't do this, please don't leave me. I need you here with me" he devastatingly spoke.

"I have to Harry" I took my arm out of his and made my way to the elevator with Lou by my side.

"Maya, don't leave me! I-" and the doors closed.


I arrived late in the afternoon and took a taxi to my home.

"Mother I'm home" i screamed once I entered my home.

"In my office" I faintly heard.

I made my way to her office after putting my suitcases back in my room. I knocked before entering and sat myself at one of the chairs she had in front of her luxurious desk.

"Mother I have to speak to you about Ken-"

"Maya I have really good news that cannot wait." I sighed knowing that she was going to have her way and not let me talk.

"The shoot I got you, you will not believe to what company it is, I did this thinking of you and thought about the best here-" I rolled my eyes at her hating her every time she said that to me "I got you a photo shoot at the Victoria Secret Swim special!"

"What? Are you serious?" I jumped up in happiness not believing these great news.

"Yes I'm serious" she smiled at me.

"But I thought you said I would no longer be an Angel-"

"Well you thought wrong. You still are and I got you in this. Are you happy?"

"I'm ecstatic mother these are the best news yet. I am so happy, when does it start?"

"I'm happy, it starts in two days. We will be going to fittings tomorrow and then we will leave to Puerto Rico."

"Oh mother I cannot believe this thank you so much"

"You're welcome, but please try not to fall there"

"I won't mom. I'll make you proud."

"I hope you do. Now what were you going to tell me?"

Oh Kendall. I thought about it and I just didn't want to ruin this special moment.

"Nothing mother. It no longer matters" I told her and she smirked.

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