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Harry's POV

I was currently sitting next to Kendall talking about the baby. The rest of the boys were doing their thing.

"I want a baby shower, a big one" said Kendall to me.

I rolled my eyes at her, and I shouldn't have but I started comparing her to Maya. Maya would have wanted something small where just her friends and my family would go. She is like that; even though her job is about having cameras on her she loves those times where it was just us two. I missed her greatly. I zoned off thinking about her until Lux's scream got my attention.

"Maya!" screamed Lux making her way as fast as her small feet could carry her to Maya.

My vision went from Lux to Maya. Her gaze was fixated on the little girl. I looked at her and my feelings for her came rushing in back for her, they never left but they hit me hard like a tidal wave. Her hair was a bit longer, her beautiful eyes were shining bright, and her smile was wide due to finally seeing Lux. She was wearing loose clothes making her body look smaller, I loved her. She gazed to where I was and quickly averted my eyes to Kendall. She introduced her friend making me look back at her and him. He looked the same age as Maya, he was tall and I just wondered how he knew Maya. Lou was the first to introduce herself, the boys followed after. After they were done I saw Maya smile a bit but once I stood up her smile faded. I made my way to Ethan but kept my gaze on Maya. She quickly turned to Lux and started playing with her. I came up to Ethan and shook his hand introducing myself. I then turned to Maya, my girl.

"Hi Maya" I finally spoke to her, it may not have been what I wanted to say but it was what I thought would be the best to say. I didn't expect her dull hi, it hurt; she didn't even look at me. She had never spoken to me like that, expressionless. I couldn't do anything, I knew this was hard for her especially seeing me with Kendall so I just left it like that. Mark came and called us and so I made my way to Kendall and rubbed her belly telling my kid that I was going to do what I loved the most. I didn't say anything to Kendall, I never do, I just care for my kid. The boys were quiet once we were getting ready; I knew why they were acting like this. We got out and heard the millions of girls here, I out on my smile and tried to act as if I was fine. I wasn't this time my head was swarming with images of her especially now that I had not seen her in a while. Every song I sang reminded me of her, us.

The concert was over and the boys walked full of enthusiasm, I just wanted to go back and see if Maya was still there. But when I entered I just saw Kendall sitting there on her phone, she couldn't leave that damn thing alone for five minutes. I looked around but no one was here, not even Lou and Lux.

Louis got to me first and asked Kendall where Lou and Lux where. I had hoped he would ask for Maya as well.

"Kendall!" she turned around with a smile on her lips once I called her.

"What?" she innocently responded while twirling her hair.

"Where is Lou and Lux?" I asked Louis question once again.

"I think you'd much rather know where Maya is don't you?" she laughed.

"Just tell me where they are!"

"Calm down, well actually freak out because your little girl just had an accident."

"Lux had an accident" panicked Niall.

Kendall turned to him and just rolled her eyes, "No, Harry's little girlfriend, oh sorry ex-girlfriend"

"What?" I asked not understanding what she was saying. What accident?"

"Ugh Harry. I don't even know to be honest. Lou received a call and she just panicked, started grabbing her stuff and then grabbed Lux and left. Oh and she just said she was going to the hospital because Maya had had an accident."

"What hospital?" I asked her wanting to get there as soon as possible.

"Sorry Harry but she said to only let Louis know" she smirked at me.

I turned to Louis and gave him a look. Why was he allowed to know? He grabbed his phone and made a call. Lou I'm guessing. He didn't speak much, just a few mhms, yeah, and I knows. He then made his way out, leaving me and the boys dumbfounded. We did nothing just stand there, I couldn't comprehend that Maya was at a hospital and I didn't know which one. So I did what I had to. I left Kendall there and went to my car. I heard footsteps coming behind me and I knew the boys were coming with me. I got in my car and left Kendall on her own. I was going to head to every hospital near here and ask for Maya, if that was the only way to know where she was then that is what I was going to do. 


So first time I do someone else's POV other than Maya. I just felt like it went will with what I am planning. Hope you enjoyed Harry's POV. Until Friay, bye.

Love you all.

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