Chapter 40

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Harry was currently driving to a destination that had not been told to me. It was five in the afternoon making the sky look a bit darker since the sun had not come out the whole day. I kept singing along to the songs on the radio, but would stop when Harry joined in, too embarrassed to even have my voice sing along with his. After four songs Harry noticed what I was doing, so he stopped singing before telling me that I had a beautiful voice. I knew I didn't, or not a good one where I could have a career with it, but I thanked him anyways knowing that he would not like to hear what I think of it. It wasn't until six that I noticed where we were going. In front of me I could see the Eiffel tower. I gasped knowing that this was where we would go and turned to Harry who was already looking at me with a wide grin plastered in his face.

"Are we really going to the Eiffel tower?"


I couldn't believe, my dream had come true. Here I was next to the person I love the most minutes away from being in front of the tower. I kept looking at it while Harry parked the car. He then came up to my door and opened it holding my hand so I wouldn't have any trouble getting out of the car. He held my hand and walked me to the tower.

"Ready to go up" he said looking at me with a smile making his dimples show.

"We're going up" I asked not believing him.

He nodded his head yes making me get emotional that he was doing all of this for me and started crying. He grabbed me by my hands and pulled me to him. He put my face on his chest and told me not to cry while chuckling and rubbing my back.

"I love you" I said still sobbing through his shirt.

"I love you Maya. Now let's go" he gave me a peck and guided me to the entrance we were to go through.

We made our way to the elevator reaching the highest point we were allowed to be in. Every moment the elevator took us higher the view would become prettier. Harry opened the door to it once we reached the floor we were to be in. When he opened it I came in view with a two person table, a candle in the middle, champagne on the side along with two plates with food. He guided me to the table and sat me down on the chair. He made his way to the other side and sat down in front of me. I was speechless. Everything was beautiful, I had never expected this.

"So?" he asked after not hearing a word from me.

"I love it, thank you, thank you, thank you."

He grabbed my hand and kissed it, "Anything for you love."

Harry poured some champagne but I went with sparkling water wanting to enjoy everything in all my senses. Harry wanting to enjoy it as well went for the water too. We started our meal and talked about us enjoying every part of it.

"I have something to give you" he said getting up and reaching for a small box next to the champagne table.

He handed it to me and I took it wondering what could be inside. I picked my gaze up to him and then lowered it to the box once again. I pulled the ribbon making the knot fall apart, I reached for the top and came in view with an Eiffel tower charm. A charm for my necklace, another chapter of our story. I smiled at him and told him how much I loved it. He helped me put it in my necklace along with the pen and key charm. I loved how the three charms looked together.

"Well now that we ate and enjoyed the view a bit, it is time to head out to our next stop."

"Can I first get a picture of us with the view behind" I asked him.

"Of course."

Harry grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close. We stood by the edge of the tower's rail and took a picture. At the last moment Harry turned his head and kissed me on the cheek making me glow. We got a look of it and headed out after it. The whole ride was me gushing about our tower date.

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