Chapter 43

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I was back home after a long flight. I called out for my mom but after getting no response I went up to my room. I laid on the bed and left my bags next to the door. I turned my phone on ready to call Louis to tell him that I had arrived safely when I see how many missed calls and texts I had from Harry. I didn't answer them and went straight to my contacts calling Louis.

Louis: Hello, Maya

Maya: I arrived safe Louis

Louis: Okay thanks for calling

Maya: uh huh

Louis: he wants to talk to you

Maya: ...

Louis: he's here

He was there and he wanted to speak to me. I missed him, and once again everything came back to me and I tried keeping in my tears but I couldn't.

Louis: Maya please don't cry

"Louis please let me talk to her. I need to make sure she's fine" I heard Harry say.

Maya: I- I can't

Louis: She doesn't want to speak to you mate I'm sorry

I heard Louis say getting Harry to beg him for the phone.

Maya: Just tell him I'm doing fine

Louis: I will

Maya: I'll call you later

Louis: Okay, I'll be waiting. Take care bye.

Maya: bye

I hung up and went downstairs to the kitchen. I started preparing food for me.

"Hey little one" I spoke to my belly. You couldn't tell I was pregnant yet but I knew that there was someone inside of me. I heard the front door open and in came my mom straight to the kitchen.

"Nice to have you back" she spoke in not such a happy way. "How was your birthday?" she asked.

I didn't want to tell her about what actually happened so I just kept it down key. "It was nice, I spent it with all the people that I love.

She looked at me for a while until she popped her next question. "What did Harry get you for your birthday?" She asked smiling this time.

"A trip to Paris. He took me there for my birthday" I said telling her the truth.

"Is that it?" she asked again.

I made a thinking face and came up with something that would make her leave. I didn't want her here, I didn't want her to ask me anymore questions regarding that day. "There is this one thing he gave me in the morning."

"What was it?"

I smiled and answered, "Birthday sex."

My mother's face was pure shock. "Maya" and she left.

I giggled with triumph and finished with my food.


I was currently on the couch watching whatever it was that mom was watching. My phone started ringing and I noticed that this time the call wasn't Harry's.

Maya: Hi Dyl

Dyl: hello Maya

Maya: so what's up

Dyl: nothing, but guess who is in LA

Maya: well by saying that I can guess it's you

Dyl: yes, I'm here for some shooting

Maya: nice, how is it going so far

Dyl: it's been great. I'm really excited about it.

Maya: I'm happy for you

Dyl: well since I'm here, how about you and I go somewhere

Maya: let me get changed

Dyl: where do I meet you

Maya: um... how about you pick me up, I'm not up for driving

Dyl: lazy much, but yeah I'll pick you up just sent me the address

Maya: I will thanks

Dyl: see you in a bit

Maya: sure, bye

Dyl: bye

"Where are you going" asked my mom.

"A friend is here in LA and he invited me out."


"Yes a he, I'll be back by eight" I told her not even waiting to see if she was okay with it. I haven't seen Dyl in a long time so this was a good idea.

I started getting dressed. I put on a skater dress along with some flats. I grabbed my purse and headed out. I waited for Dyl for about five minutes until his car made its way up to me. I opened the door to the car and got in.

"Hi Dyl, long time no see" I said turning to him.

"Hi Maya, and yes long time. So where do you want to go?" he asked me.

"Um... how about Starbucks?"  I said cringing at my choice of place.

He laughed obviously at my choice but said it was fine. We arrived and we both made our way to the doors. I ordered a caramel frappe Dyl ordered a chocolate one. We made our way to a table and sat.

"So how is filming?" I asked him while sipping on my drink.

"Great, I love it. I'm so excited to see the finished scenes."

"I bet you are."

"So how are you and Harry?"

I squirmed in my seat and just played with my straw. "Harry and I are no longer together."

His face told me he did not expect that at all. "Oh... what about the contract?"

"That is still on. There is no way we can get out of that."

We talked about what we had missed after the long period of not seeing each other even if we texted here and there. He was almost done with his movie, making him excited for the premiere to which he told me I would be invited to. He told me that he would be staying here for about a month. We stayed a long time there; by seven we were already making our way back to my house.  Once there Dyl got out his seat and made his way to my side and opened the door for me. He took me up to my door and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight beautiful" he whispered to my ear and made his way back to the car. I opened the door and made my way to my room letting my mom know I was back. I changed to comfortable clothes and made my way to sleep seeing that my phone was once again full of missed calls from Harry.

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