Chapter 24

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We arrived at the club and made our way to the VIP area. Lou hadn't come since she had Lux with her so she had to stay. So it was just me and all the boys along with band guys. I was next to Harry sipping on my non-alcoholic drink since I was still nineteen, while the guys were out in the crowd dancing. Liam had stayed with us and he and Harry were talking about the band's new album.

"So how are you two" Liam asked making my advert my attention to him. I looked at Harry and answered "we're really good, I mean I know we've just been officially dating for about a week, but we're good."

"Well then cheers for that" Liam toasted as we put our glasses together. "I'm going to go find Niall" he said getting up and disappearing into the crowd.

Harry and I danced a bit before we headed out with Liam, Louis and Niall back to the hotel. It was one in the morning and we couldn't find Zayn so the boys being tired and having a show today decided to just head out. Paps got pictures of us clearly going to write about how we were out at a club. Harry and I headed to out room ready to sleep. I changed into a shirt and loose shorts and snuggled up to Harry ready for sleep to take over me.


Harry woke me up telling to me to get ready. We were all going to go out and eat breakfast and then the boys would have to attend a meeting and finally I would accompany them to the concert. I quickly showered and changed into a black tank top, black pants, and black boots. I left my hair down and did my casual makeup. After I was done Harry and I headed to the reception room where everyone was waiting for us. We got on the van and made our way to McDonald's, something we would all like, even Lux. I ordered pancakes along with a hash brown and orange juice. The boys ordered the deluxe breakfast, Lou pancakes and hash browns for her and Lux. There were a few fans so Lou and I decided to go sit down while the boys took pictures.

"Heard the meeting is a bit serious" Lou told me while sitting Lux down.

"Do you know what it's about?"

"Not sure but judging by what I got told in the morning I can tell it's pretty serious."

"What did you-"

"Food is here" Harry interrupted our conversation by handing me my pancakes.

We all sat down and started eating. I grabbed some of Harry's biscuit and put jelly on it giving it a bite. He looked at me amusingly and took some of my pancakes.

"You have pancakes you know" I laughed at his childish act.

"But I wanted yours" he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Boys I have to say something" Zayn announced gaining not only the boys attention but mine and Lou's as well. "There have been much stuff going around about me cheating with Perrie and after last night incident I think I've had enough. What happened with Lauren was not what it looked like. I just met her but it was nothing other than a picture with her. I was the one who called for the meeting." We all stared taking everything in, everyone seemed to know what he was talking about but who the hell was Lauren. Guess I'll find out later.

"We heard about it, I guess that whatever you want to say you're going to do it in the meeting right" Liam asked him.

"Yeah, I just wanted to inform you so that you are not shocked to when it comes to what the meeting is about and my decision."

We all kept eating after that but the air seemed a bit tense. I guess the boys wanted to be at the meeting already to find out what decision it is that Zayn is talking about. When we finished we threw our trash and made our way back to the van and to the hotel. The meeting was in an hour, that hour was filled with stress for Harry; he kept trying to figure out what would happen. It was 1:00 and the boys had just left for the meeting. Lou had to go to the stadium and not wanting to stay alone I joined her and left a few hours earlier than I had planned for.

I was helping Lou sort out the hair products and her makeup. We talked about random stuff, like the traveling we had done and such. But by 3:00 we were bored, even Lux was bored and decided to sleep. Lou started doing braids on my hair and then started doing my makeup as we kept talking. By 5:00 we were confused as to why this meeting was taking so long. We went to the kitchen and saw Josh and the others eating so we joined as well grabbing some of what was being served today.

"Do you enjoy being on tour?" Josh asked me.

I waited till I swallowed my food to answer him. "I do, I never really got out other from it having to do with work, so being here is really cool. I get to visit so many places while being with my boyfriend and his mates" I smiled.

"It is nice isn't it? I never thought I would be a part of something this big." He amazingly spoke of the part he had with the band.

"None of us really expected it" joined Dan making everyone one nod their heads, even Lou, agreeing with him.

"I didn't expect to be with Harry, or be a part of this either. Guess we are very lucky."

"Everything happens for a reason" Lou said making me think of everything that has happened, and maybe my fall was supposed to happen. After all it is because of it that I am here. Without that fall there would never have been a contract and I would be off in my room right now.

Josh, Dan, Sandy, Jon, Lou, Lux and I were waiting in the main room for the boys. Eager to know as to where they were and what took them so long, it was 7:00 p.m. after all.

"What do you think is taking them so long?" Sandy asked.

"I'm not sure, I tried calling Harry an hour ago but he wouldn't answer" I sighed looking at the time.

We were in the couch watching the opening performance through the television, still waiting for the boys. I was no longer paying attention to the world around me, I was thinking of what the meeting could be about and why it was taking the boys too long to get here. I started thinking the worse, what if they crashed or what if it something more serious. I couldn't bear the thought of losing someone again. The incident with Leo came back to me and it wasn't until I felt someone wipe my tears that I came back to my senses. In front of me was Harry. I quickly held on to him and cried thankful that he was here.

"Why are you crying?" he thoughtfully asked.

"I thought something bad had happened to you" I said gathering myself.

"I'm fine" he kissed me.

I looked around me to see the other boys and saw a look I hadn't seen on them since I me them. The giggly, joyful boys looked nothing like the ones standing in front of me.

"I have something to say" Zayn struggled with his words. "I've decided to take a break."


So this is the second update for today. Hope you enjoy.

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