Chapter 20

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I was at the airport with Harry and Lou waiting for their flight.

"I'll see you when I have my schedule cleared, okay" I said to him.

"Fine but try not to stay here so long, I need you"

"Shut up" I giggled at his comment and hit his chest playfully. Harry grinned showing his two dimples that I became to love, "it's true" he said. "Fine, I'll try to leave as soon as I can."


I was at the hotel packing my bags to head back home to California. Once I finished I grabbed a taxi and made my way to the airport. I quickly got on my plane since I came on time and didn't have to wait for it to be called. My bags were taken care of; I took my seat and quickly texted Harry telling him that I was on the plane and that I would call him once I'm home. Bored out of my mind, I slepthrough most of the trip. I arrived in Cali at around 4:00 p.m. and took a taxi back home. As quickly as I arrived I made my way to my room leaving my bags at the door and called Harry.

Harry: Hello love

Maya: Hi, I called to inform you that I am finally home

Harry: How was the ride?

Maya: boring, it's not fun riding a plane alone

Harry: you should've come with Lou and I

Maya: I have stuff to do Harry

Harry: I understand, just come back once you're free

Maya: fine

Harry: promise?

I smiled felling giddy that he missed me and wanted to see me already

Maya: I promise

Harry: so you talked your mother about it, the schedule

Maya: nope

I said biting my nails

Harry: ...

Maya: I'll leave you I'm going to talk to mother about it right now

Harry: that's my girl, now go on. Bye love, see you soon.

Maya: Bye.

I stood up and headed to mothers room. I knocked but got no answer, I then headed to her office to see the door partly opened.

Rachel: She is with her! ... I don't know ... she is with the boys ... yes with Harry and the other boys ... what if she finds out? ...

I tried to get closer which got the door to make a squeaking noise, and I mentally cursed myself.

Rachel: I-uhh...I gotta hang up

"Maya come in"

I quietly got in with my head facing the floor, scared of what she could do to me since she caught me spying on her conversation.

"What were you doing there spying at me?" she meaningfully spat at me.

I was scared but I was tired of her treating me this way, plus I wanted to know what she was talking about and with whom. "Who were you talking too?"

"I was- you- I asked you a question first" she got angered up.

"Who. Were. You. Talking. To?" I stopped at every word wanting her to understand that I wasn't going to answer her question but wanted mine answered.

"It has nothing to do with you"

"I don't know if you're saying the truth, but knowing you, you are probably not. So I don't care anymore I come to ask if my schedule is cleared up?"

"I don't know, go fucking call Ana. I'm stressed out over this whole damn contract"

"How do you think I felt when you made me sign the paper. It was you who made me sign it" I angrily pointed my finger at her.

"And I fucking regret it!" she stood up from her chair getting to my height showing how she wasn't scared of me.

"Nice to know you regret it. Something is bothering you from it, and I don't know what it is but I have about ten and a half months to find that out." I ended the argument and made my way out of her office and out of my house. I was happy that I had left my bags at the door since it was much easier and faster for me to go. I quickly texted Ana about my schedule and she just told me that I would have to go to one of the boys interviews and be seen with Harry there. Also that we needed to go out on a date to which she would inform us of later. I called a taxi and on my way to the airport bought my plane ticket to Thailand where the boys would be doing their concert. I decided on not calling him and surprising him at the concert. My flight was at 8:00 p.m. meaning I would arrive at around 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Thailand's time. (I don't know anything about time zones but 7:00 p.m. works for the story so yeah) Once I boarded the plane I decided to sleep since I would want to be awake for the boy's concert.

I felt so rested once I woke up, there were only a few minutes left for the plane to land, and I was really excited to see Harry. Finally, after the long flight I arrived at the airport. I quickly grabbed a taxi and made my way to the stadium. The drive took more than I expected since there was so much traffic because of the concert. Once we got there I paid the driver and got out with my bags, it hadn't occurred to me that I had no pass to be let in so my surprise would be ruined. I walked up to the door, seeing all the girls getting ready to enter the stadium, and made my way to one of the guards.

"Umm... I'm Harry's girlfriend. I flew out here to surprise him but I have no pass or ticket so, is there a way I can go in?" I asked him nicely.

"Look lady all these girls want to go in and they actually have a ticket. I can't let you in without one."

I gaped at him, "I'm saying the truth. You can take me to the back and ask the boys security."

"Sorry, can't do. Now will you excuse us it's time for the girls to enter."

I huffed at him and made my way to a bench. I should just call him I thought to myself, but then it occurred to me that I could call Lou. I called her and luckily she answered I told her that I was here but that she had to keep it a surprise and that they wouldn't let me in. She told me she would get Mark to come out for me.

"Oh my god, It's Maya!" I quickly shifted my head to the side to see a few girls. I panicked, scared of how they could react to me, alone. By this time there was a big group of fans surrounding me.

"What are you doing here?" one of them asked nicely.

"I came to surprise Harry" I smiled.

"Can we get a picture with you?" she asked.

I stood up and went to her. I took pictures with a few other girls until I stopped in front of one who didn't seem too happy to see me.

"You're a slut" she said to me, and her friends agreed with her.

I quickly turned around wanting to leave the crowd but she grabbed me by my arm.

"Let me go" I struggled freeing my arm. The crowd was a bit bigger now and some would scream bad things at me while the others would back me up.

"You don't deserve Harry" the crowd was tighter and I felt too scared.

"Look at her all scared and crying" I then realized the tears streaming down my face.

"Please" I pleaded her to let me go. She laughed along with other girls.

"Do something!" one of her friends screamed at her. She raised her hand up and brought it to my face, but the hit never came. Mark was holding her while Lou came to my side. Mark quickly called more of their security for help. Just as they came the crowd started to disperse.

"Hey it's all right, c'mon let go inside" Lou told me.

We all went inside and entered the backstage area. I wiped my tears not wanting Harry to know of what had happened outside. Lou opened the door and we entered quietly, the boys quickly saw me but I put my finger to my mouth signaling them to not say anything, not wanting them to point me out. Harry was facing the other side, his back was towards me. I put my hands over his eyes and contained my giggles once he started feeling my hands wanting to guess who it was. He started naming a bunch of people who worked with him, so I let my hands fall from his eyes.

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