Chapter 57

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Two weeks had passed since I was in the hospital. Harry and I were together as of now. My daughter was finally named by the name of Ali Styles. She was good to come home, we did have to take her to the doctor every two days to see how she was doing but it was nice finally having her with us. I was in Harry's mom house. We were here for a small time; Harry had gone out with the Gemma to go buy some stuff for the baby. Anne was with me as of now helping me bathe Ali. We got done with her and then headed back to Harry's and my room.

"She looks just like you" Anne told me. I had received many of these comments always making Harry happy because he liked the idea of a mini me.

"She looks like Harry" I said.

She did. Ali had his beautiful eyes and the brown locks, we could see them already. I loved them.

"Well she's beautiful."

"Yeah she is" we both sighed looking at her.

While Anne was helping me take care of her I decided to call my mother, I think that she deserved to see her granddaughter. I dialed her but once again, for the millionth time I had called her the phone call was sent to voice mail.

I didn't understand why she wouldn't answer, was she that mad at me? I went back to my baby girl and waited for Harry and Gemma to arrive.

"We're back!" yelled Harry. He quickly made his way to me and went directly for Ali. He sat next to me putting our child in his arms.

"Thanks for helping" grunted Gemma. I turned her way to see her bring all the grocery bags in by herself.

"Why didn't you help?" I said nudging him.

"Cause I missed my baby" he said not moving his eyes from her.

Suddenly I felt a rush of sadness overcome me.

"Harry, are you mad that I hid this from you?"

He stopped his gaze on Ali and turned to me. "I couldn't be. It did hurt to be honest. Thinking that you were pregnant with someone else's child. But I understand why you did all this. I could never be mad at you. Plus I still got to see you pregnant and even be with you for a bit. But I would like to be there through everything so... maybe next time." He cheekily winked making me giggle.

"Next time... yeah" I said blushing.

"May I ask what happened with Kendall?"

"I- I'll tell you later, yeah. I don't want to ruin our first days back together."

"Fine" I kissed him and then gave Ali a kiss on her forehead.

"My mom won't answer my calls. Even though I know she will be mad about this I really want her to meet Ali, she is her first granddaughter. It would mean a lot to me if she would." 

"I'm sorry" he said not meeting my eyes.

"For what?"

"I just hoped it would have all been different"

"Maybe she will come around some day." He didn't say anything after that.

After our talk we enjoyed our time together. We spent some quality time.


A week had passed and we were all doing better. Ali was better, I was better and Harry was better.

"Maya you have a call." Anne said to me.

She came to me with the phone in hand she gave it to me and got Ali from my arms. Harry was out with the boys and seeing Anne's face made me feel not so well about this call.

"Hello" I said.

"Yes, are we speaking with...Maya Harred?" The voice asked me.

"That would be me. Who is it?"

"We are from the court and we have a trial set for you to attend for tomorrow. We need to find out the reasons behind your accident."

"Oh okay yeah, I'll be there."



"Who was it?" asked Anne.

"I have to go to court tomorrow to see why the person did what he did."

Her face changed into something I couldn't describe. I didn't think much of it though. I grabbed Ali and took her to Harry's and I room. We were both on the bed waiting for him when the door opened.

"Mum told me that you received a call. Something about a trial."

"Yes" I answered. Why was everyone worried about this.

"Do you want to go?"

I turned to look at him, "of course."

"We'll go with you then. I don't want you getting bad." He came up to me and hugged me giving me a kiss.

"Why is everyone worried?"

"We just are."

"It'll be fine." I said reassuring him.

"I hope it is."


#This Is Not The End Of One Direction

The break has started and these 18 months will be the longest. 

This chapter was short, sorry.

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