Chapter 49

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"You're pregnant?" Harry asked.

I didn't know what to respond, yes, no. What do I say? How did he even find out?

"I'm asking you something Maya."

I could see confusion in his eyes. Do I tell him? He got closer to my bed; he radiated anger making me scared.

"Back off Harry. We told you to leave, she doesn't want you here." Louis told him.

"I'm not talking to you. Maya I'm asking a question. Answer." I was lost of words, what do I say at times like this. He is with someone else now.

"Yes" I whispered with tears in my eyes.

"Fucking hell" he pulled at the roots of his curls. "Whose is it?"

What? Did he not have a single clue that it was his?

"Whose. Is. It?" he asked again stopping at every word clearly making a point to his question.

I need to tell him, but I promised to start a new chapter. And once again I was loss of words.

"It's mine"

I quickly turned to Louis, what was he doing? I saw Harry's face and it was pure disgust. I knew Louis was trying to keep this secret, from Harry finding out but I couldn't let his best mate think I was pregnant with Louis child.

I did what I thought was right at the moment, and maybe it wasn't, lying is never good.

"It's not Louis" I told Harry. He looked at me once again hoping to say who the father really is.

I met his eyes and said his name, "It's Ethan's."

Shocker for me as well. How can I even say that? Maybe I wanted to give him the chance to experience a pregnancy. To give him back something I took from him. Harry didn't say much this time; he looked back at Ethan who just had a shocked expression and then back at me. He left by telling me the same words I told him when I found out about him and Kendall. "Congratulations to the both of you, hope you make a great family."

Once Harry left Ethan came up to me, and his reaction wasn't what I expected.

"Maya, how could you. You are doing it again, and I can't let that happen. I don't know Harry but let me tell you that hiding a pregnancy to the father is the worst thing ever. Do you know how it feels? No because you only care about yourself."

"Im doing this because he has someone else!" I couldn't keep quiet.

"No Maya, you do. He is the father for what I'm seeing and it is so unfair for you to hide it. I don't want him to go through what I went through."

"He has someone else!"

"And? It isn't his fault. That child deserves to know he has a father. And how do you dare say it's mine. Maya you need to get through your skull that this isn't about you anymore. I have someone waiting for me, I have a wife and a son, I moved on. You left and so I moved on, I couldn't keep waiting. You just can't say your child is mine because you don't want the truth to be out."

"Shut up Ethan. You know nothing about what I've been through."

"Yeah, I can say the same. But I won't let thestory repeat."


Short but straight to the point. I am sorry for it being so short, I really am. I have a lot to catch up to. I haven't been writing lately, so I need to write so that I could have some chapters typed already. I hope you enjoyed it anyways. Thanks for keeping up.

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