Chapter 41

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There I saw Harry talking to Kendall.


"You can't be" he spoke while shaking his head.

"But I am Harry" she spoke with confidence. I saw her look at me and then back at him. Her next words leaving me out of breath.

"I'm pregnant, we'll be parents Harry" I gasped once she said those words. The air felt thick and it was as if I couldn't breathe. I gasped and raised my shaking hand to my mouth. Harry quickly turned around and saw me. Tears fell down from my face freely.

"Maya" he rushed to me.

"Stop! Get away!" I yelled not wanting to believe it.

"Maya please. I didn't know. It wasn't even planned."

"How far along are you?" I asked her ignoring his words.

"Two and a half" she told me.

And then it clicked, it was that one time that all the girls got into the hotel room claiming that it was also mine and that I could enter whenever. They were in the room both bare. I laughed because of Harry's embarrassment, but now it was far from funny.

"Maya, please don't leave me" he pleaded.

"This was because you hid your feelings. This-" I said pointing at him and me, "will never work. It was never supposed to work. We're in a bloody contract" I cried.

"Maya forget the c-"

"I can't Harry especially now. You wanted to show me how to live, well what a great life you gave me" I laughed.

I had come to the point that I probably looked mad. I was crying and laughing at the same time. Oh what a great birthday. I turned around and headed back to the room I grabbed my suitcase and messily threw everything in. I heard the door open and close. Harry was by my side getting my stuff out and murmuring that I couldn't leave.

"Stop!" I screamed while giving up getting my clothes back.

"Maya please listen to me" Harry begged me grabbing my shoulders so that I could see him.

"I love you Maya not her. I want kids with you not her. I regret ever being with her. We can work this out I swear."

"How? Do you want me to forget her as well just like we do the contract? Thing is Harry she is just like the contract she will always be there reminding us of what our relationship is. I'm sorry but I can't stay."

"Where are you going?"

"I already called Lou to pick me up" I told him.

"Maya... I'm sorry" he sadly told me.

I made my way past him and put all my clothes back in. I put on a sweater and some flats and zipped my suitcase bringing it down to the floor. I saw the small gift on the bed and went for it putting it in my sweater's pocket.

I rolled my suitcase out and hear Harry's footsteps behind me.

I came in view with Kendall once again and told her something she might not have expected hearing from me due to her shocked face. "Congratulations to the both of you, hope you make a great family" I told her and him making my way out the door.

Once I closed the door I knew there was no turning back, I made my way down to the lobby all the way crying my heart out. I got a cab knowing that what I told Harry about Lou going to pick me up were all lies. I wanted to be alone.

"Where to?" the driver asked me.

I told him were and we made our way.

"Ma'am we're here " the driver shook me awake.

I looked at my surroundings and paid him. "Are you fine?"

I looked at him and thought about his question. If only he knew. "Yes"

He nodded and left me on my own. I pulled my suitcase behind me through the sand and made my way to the shore. I laid my suitcase there and sat next to it. I was at the beach, a place which was calm especially now that I was alone. It was a bit dark but I didn't care. I loved the feeling of being the only one here. I looked at the water coming near the shore and looked at the deep black surrounding me except for the moon and a few light near the apartments and small house at the beach.

I don't know for how long I was here but there was light now and I was able to see more clearly. The sun must be rising in a few hours. It was getting chillier to which I put my hands in my pocket. I came in contact with a box and took it out with my right hand. Harry's gift.

I turned it around and around seeing every little detail from it. I pulled the ribbon making it fall down my lap. I took the lid off ad grabbed what was inside. There in my hand was a small silver charm. A charm for my hope locket, our hope locket. A charm that meant a new chapter in our lives. A charm that I thought would be happiness for the both of us, but would only be bringing it to me now. A charm that meant so much to me. There in my hand was a silver charm of baby feet.

"I'm pregnant Harry" I said to no one letting the wind take my words.

I turned the charm around inspecting it and remembered of my hope locket around my neck. I took it off and turned the lid open. I looked at the three charms in it the pen, the heart key, and the Eiffel tower. I debated on my decision but came to the point where I needed to do it. I closed my locket and took a look at it. Inside was only one charm, the baby feet. I looked at the other three in my palm and new that it was time for me to do the best for me. I took one last look at them and closed my palm into a fist.

"To a new chapter. To the start of a new chapter for me" I said to myself making clear that it would be a new beginning for me and my child.

I stood up and brought my fist back and threw it forward while opening my fist, the three charms making its way to the ocean. The waves took the charms away just like they were taking my story with Harry.


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