Chapter 53

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Harry's POV

Everything happened so suddenly. Here I was on stage, the people I loved the most surrounding me. Maya by my side speaking the words I had missed. Sealing our kiss, like our last. And suddenly it all vanishes like thin air.


That one noise caused the whole arena to give into a silence, one full of shock. And after those few seconds of silence came the chaos.

Screams were everywhere, full of danger. Everything was slowed but rushed in a way. I looked in my arms to see Maya, eyes closed, pale face. The girl in my arms didn't look like my Maya, her colored cheeks were no longer pink, her bright eyes full of life were shut. We were rushed backstage, I never letting go of my girl took her in my arms. There was no more shocking noise, just screams and anguish.

Backstage it all felt so surreal. Maya was in the couch. I was full of blood. My shirt was no longer white, my hands had blood, but I couldn't get myself to get away from her. I needed to be with her every second. Lou kept crying holding her for dear life. I was next to her holding onto Maya's hand. All of the boys were calling the ambulance. My mum kept praying, I could her her voice cutting every few words clearly in utter shock. There were securities entering the stage, police officers would come and go, but all of our eyes were on the dying girl laying on the couch.

Once the ambulance came, the men came and checked on her. They laid a hand on the side of her neck. "She's got pulse." Their words gave me faith that everything would be fine, but seeing her state right now kept giving me no hope for her or her girl. They quickly reacted and got her onto the ambulance. Lou and I rode on the back with her. The men kept injecting stuff on her always making sure that her heart wouldn't give up. We were at the hospital in no longer five minutes. They rushed her down and got her inside. Doctors were waiting by the door. They rolled her bed quickly through the doors, nurses held me back and suddenly I no longer felt her hand in mine. I was on my own until I felt Lou hold onto me.

We were all at the hospital's lounge. All of our family here waiting for some news on her. A noise caught our attention and we all turned our heads to the television above us to see the arena and what the lady from the news had to say on the event.

"Hours ago this arena was full of happy teens ready to hear the biggest boy band One Direction. It was all going well until the end. When the boys were singing their last song their family and friends came up stage to enjoy the last concert. What no one expected were the shocking scenes that would happen next. While everyone was enjoying the concert, it seemed like one person wasn't . While Harry Styles and his former partner, Maya Harred, the baby momma, were sharing a nice kiss disaster occurred. A noise never intended to be heard in a concert was heard by millions of girls and the boys. It seems like someone had the intention to kill Maya. Maya received a bullet right on her back. Screams were heard and calls were received in the police department. No other bullet was fired, except for the one that got Maya to the hospital. Police officers are now searching for the person behind the gun. We only hope that he/she is found and that our lovely Maya and her baby are doing fine. Maya is currently at the hospital, we will inform you more on this when we get more news. Thank you."

My girl was shot, and not only was it her in danger but her baby as well. I looked at Louis and went up to him. " We need to call Ethan" I had to tell him what had happened. I saw him give Lou a look, she made our way to us. " We have to Louis" she told him not looking at me. He finally turned and looked at me and nodded. They took me to a chair far away from our friends.

"Harry there is no need to call Ethan" said Louis.

I gave him a confused look. How could he say that? "He is the father of Maya's baby he needs to know."

Lou looked at me through her red, full of tears eyes. "The father already knows."

"What?" What did she mean by this. Of course Ethan didn't know about any of this, unless he had seen the news or Louis had already called him.

"Maya wanted you to live your life with Kendall. She lied, we knew all along Harry, and we're sorry. She wanted to do this and so we went along with her, she trusted us. She thought that because Kendall was pregnant first that she deserved you. She made a story up about Ethan being the dad but he's not. Harry, Maya's life is not what anybody thinks. She's had a bad history and I'll tell you about it after I deliver these news to you. You deserve to know everything, and I know now that Maya would want you to know. She never intended to hurt you, that was something she never wanted to do to you. She cared and that is why she did what she did. You and her belong together, we all know that. Harry you are the father of her baby."

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