Chapter 11

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It had been a week since the argument with mother and admitting my feelings towards Harry to myself. I hadn't spoken to mother since then, but Harry and I are back to normal, as well as the boys. Harry was still secretly dating Kendall, and I was happy for him. They would always meet at the hotel room and I would give them their space by going out with Lou and Lux. I had been texting Dyl from time to time, I found out he was doing a movie to which I was really proud of him.

Today the boys had no concert so we would all be going to the movies and then for dinner. The deal here was that Kendall was coming with us, which meant I would have to intervene on her and Harry's relationship but I didn't mind that, what I minded was that when they asked us about Kendall I would have to say that we were friends and thinking of working together.

I was in Lou's room getting ready. Lou knew about my feelings already, I had told her the day after I admitted them in my head, to which she was super happy, but mad that Kendall was in the way. Lou had a disliking to her as well. Since she knew she would be coming out with us Lou decided to make me look extra good, or in her words I had to look better than Kendall to show Harry what he was missing.

I was wearing a cream colored dress with lace details and a headband with my hair parted through the middle. I looked nice in my opinion and Lou's. We waited for everyone down at the lobby, and once they came they said we had to wait for their girlfriends. Sophia came in first, and I was happy to see her and start the friendship again. Then came Zayn's girlfriend Perrie and introduced us since we hadn't met, and then came in Kendall. She looked pretty and just by seeing her once I felt Harry deserved her. She was wearing high waisted shorts with a crop top, and a long sleevless cardigan with boots. Lou noticed my reaction and pulled me to the side.

"I'll be your date."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Well everyone has a date well except Niall and Louis but, I pick you as my date"

"Okay" I knew this was Lou's way of showing how she cared for me.

We were leaving the hotel and since it was all of us leaving out we captured attention. I knew I had to play my role and went up to Harry and intertwined our hands, he understood what we were doing, but Kendall didn't and she could show it with the sour look on her face. The fans were screaming and we made our way to the big van. Once we were all seated we made our way to the theater.

I was sitting next to Lou with Lux in my lap. Louis was in the copilot seat while the rest were next to their girls, Harry next to Kendall in the back of us. I could hear them talking but paid no attention because I was playing with Lux who was taking pictures of everything with my phone.

"Harry" Lou interrupted them.

"Yes Lou"

"Doesn't Maya look beautiful?" I quickly shot my head up and looked at her with wide eyes to which she was smirking, I looked back to see Harry and Kendall and found her giving me a look.

"Yeah she does look great" he said while you could see Kendall fuming.

I turned my head back to Lux not saying anything.


We arrived at the theater and got out of the van. I was carrying Lux on my hip and Harry came up to me once again so that they could not see him with Kendall. Harry grabbed me by my waist since I was carrying Lux.

"Harry, Maya, can we have a picture?" said some fans. We got together with some fans and got some pictures together, the other boys taking some as well.

"You guys look great together, you would be such a beautiful family" the fan spoke seeing as I had Lux with me.

We made our way to the theater and once we made our way to our seats Kendall took the spot next to Harry, I didn't mind I was Lou's date for today.

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