Chapter 13

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We went to an ice cream shop wanting to get a treat after all the shopping. We all had so many bags. I had bought some new dresses and random stuff that I liked. I bought two swimsuits since we agreed we had to go to the beach together once we leaved Australia. I was also told that they would all go back home and Perrie was going on tour. I thought about how it would be spending a lot of time with Kendall, when she then spoke up about having to head home as well. I was happy to know that it would be just me, Lou and Lux.

We were on our way out when paparazzi started swarming in.

"Kendall why are you with them?"

"Is it true that Harry is cheating on you Maya?"

"Kendall are you and Harry together?"

"Maya how do you feel about Kendall being with Harry?"

I tried not listening to the questions being thrown at us or me specifically, but I just kept wondering what made them think that Harry and Kendall had a thing. I mean it is true but they've been hiding themselves... or so they say. We got on the van and I just couldn't help but ask.

"Why do they assume you and Harry are dating? They weren't supposed to find out."

"Don't know" she said not meeting my eyes. Her phone buzzed receiving a call. She looked at it and I saw how the color drained from her face. She turned it off and looked up to see me staring at her.

I let it drop knowing that the first thing that I would do is ask Harry about it once I see him. Because if paparazzi knew then it'll go into managements office as well as mother.


Once we arrived I saw Kendall dashing to Harry's and I room. I quickly followed leaving my bags in the car with the rest of the girls. I didn't even knock just got my card out and slid it having the door open, and there was Kendall kissing Harry hungrily.

"Harry I need to talk to you now" I demanded.

"I'm busy" he spoke through the kisses.

"I could see that but right now we need to talk" I said grabbing his shirt and dragging him away from Kendall and to the room.

"Why the hell were paps asking me about you and Kendall dating?"


"Your heard me."

"We haven't even gone out together for paps to see."

"Well start thinking why they are asking-"

"Shit. The kiss"

"What!" I panicked.

"That day at the bar I don't know why she did it but she kissed me on our way to the car. I didn't know paps would be there, and I was drunk."

"Harry" I cried.

"I'm sorry"

"That won't cut it. What are we going to do know?"

Harry started talking and I just zoned off thinking about how all of this is because of Kendall. I started thinking of everything that had to do with her. She magically appeared that day at the bar as Harry's girlfriend, the way she asked him about me, how she acts around all of us, the KISS, she knew their relationship was to be secret, the call and then her eagerness on trying to get here first.

"Ana, I'll talk to her-"

"It's Kendall. She's got something planned" I spoke looking straight ahead talking the words mainly for me.

I opened the door and ran to her turning her towards me.

"You have this whole thing planned don't you?"

Harry came running as well not knowing what was really going on.

"Who's making you do this? Answer!"

"What is wrong with you, Harry I have no idea what she is talking about."

I lost it. I threw myself at her. But just like that Harry got me off of her.

"What the fuck has gotten into you Maya?" he raged.

"She's hiding something Harry"

"Maya, just leave us alone. I'll think of some way we can fix this, I'll talk to you tomorrow" he spoke throwing me out of 'my' room.

I made my way to Lou's room. We sat down in the couch with a cup of tea in our hands.

"What happened?"

"This might sound crazy but, I think Kendall is up to something."

"What do you mean?" she said giving me a worried look.

"I think Kendall is working with someone to ruin Harry."

"Are you sure?"

"I am Lou, I really am sure about this."

"Then we have to figure it out."

"Wait, you believe me?" I asked her.

"Yes I do, we'll figure this out, but we can't tell anyone about it. Not the boys or Harry"

"I kind of told Harry about it"

"Well then say it was a mistake, you have to make them believe that so that she won't let you out completely."


"Now c'mon lets go to sleep."

We went to the room and we each slept on the sides, having Lux in the middle of us.

"Lou" I whispered to her.

"Yes Maya" she quietly whispered back as well.

"I feel more loved and cared with you than my own mother."

"I do love you Maya, and care for you. I see you as a daughter to me."

"And maybe I see you as the mother I've always wanted" I smiled looking at her.

"Go to sleep, a long day awaits us tomorrow."

"What's going to happen?"

"Tomorrow is Kendall's last day here with us, she'll be leaving after that in the morning, and this will be our only chance to get this truth of hers out, for Harry to see."

"So we're really doing this huh?"

"Yes, we're going to the beach just like we said, since all of the girls are leaving the same day as Kendall but they will be leaving at night. Maybe we can get the girls to help us as well."

"Do you think Harry will believe us if, what I think is going on, is true?"

"I'm not sure Maya, but we have to stop Kendall from playing around with Harry."

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