Chapter 5

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I woke up to a buzzing next to me. I reached to my night stand and grabbed my cellphone. I put in my passcode and checked my calls. I saw Harry's name at the top list, so I called him back.

Harry: Hey Maya good morning I called to tell you that management called me telling me that I have to take you out for breakfast before I go to work.

Maya: yes *I choked out*

Harry: are you okay?

Maya: yeah, I'll see you in a bit, bye

And just like that I ended the call.

I got up and showered. I quickly dried my hair and put it up in a ponytail. I put on makeup, enough makeup to cover my bruised cheek, seeing as it was a bit purple. I then put my outfit, a white loose shirt tucked in into a pink skirt. I put on my black converse and grabbed my black purse. I walked down the stairs and waited outside for Harry to arrive.

Once he arrived I got in the car, not caring about the scowl he made since I didn't let him open the door for me. Harry started driving to the restaurant, I having no clue as to which one we would go to.

"Why are you so quiet, what's wrong?"

"Not now Harry, please" I whimpered.

He noticed my whimpers and my effort of trying to contain my tears, which got him to stop on the side of the road. He turned to me once again and asked me what was wrong. He grabbed my chin gently moving me face to look at his. But his eyes went wide, and I knew that he had seen it.

"Maya what happened" he struggled getting the words out "who hit you?"

He gently passed his hand throuh my bruise, his action made me start crying, the events of yesterday coming back to mind. "I asked her Harry and- sh-she hit me" I sobbed.


"I asked mother about father and she hit me"

"That fucking bitch" he said turning sideways to give me a hug.

"I told her I hated her but I didn't mean it Harry, but then she said that the feeling was likewise. She hates me Harry" I said hoping he heard me since my face was in his chest.

"Maya, maybe she said that because she was mad at you, I don't know, but how can she not love you, you're an amazing person. She might've said it out of anger just like you did."

"I hope so"

"C'mon now let's go get breakfast. What do you want?" he asked my while wiping my tears.

"Can we get I-Hop?"

"I'd go anywhere you'd ask me" I smiled hearing his words.


Harry parked the car and came to my side and opened my door. He interlocked our hands and we made our way to the entrance together.

"Table for two" he spoke to the hostess, her eyes opening wide taking a double look at us.

"Right this way" she said guiding us to a two person table.

"Here are the menus, and your waiter will be here shortly."

We looked at the menus deciding what it was that we wanted. The waiter came up to us and offered us drinks to what we chose orange juice. I then ordered the berries and cream Belgian waffle and Harry ordered a strawberry and banana French toast. I sipped on my juice, and the waiter quickly came back with our food.

"That was fast" I giggled at him.

"Didn't want to keep you waiting" he answered me.

Harry and I's breakfast was going well until I saw paparazzi outside. I knew we had to give them a bit of a show so I cut a piece of my waffle and put it up towards Harry's mouth for him to eat. He looked at me then smiled opening his mouth to grab the piece of waffle, but didn't succeed since the waffle fell off the fork before he even tasted it. I started laughing seeing Harry's amused expression. He then gave me a bit of his French toast to which I did succeed in eating. We kept playing around having a laugh at our mess.

"Are you going to go back to your mother?" he asked me after our laughter calmed down.

"Yes, I do live with her Harry"

"Then buy yourself a house and get out of there"

"That is my house, she just lives with me, so technically it is her living with me. But I can't just tell her to move out Harry she is my mother after all" I said sounding a bit pissed.

"Okay sorry I understand, but you and I will have a house together in a short time" he smirked.

"I know," I smiled.


Harry called the waiter after we finished and paid what we consumed and left the waiter his tip.

"Can I please get a picture with you Maya?" asked me the waiter.

A bit shocked I answered with a yes. He gave the phone to Harry which I had a mini laugh at. I stood next to the guy and I felt him grab me from the waist. I smiled and waited for Harry to take the photo. Harry handed the waiter his phone in an un mannerly way and grabbed my hand.

"You did great at the fashion show Maya, you really topped it off. You looked...nice." I heard Harry scoff at his words.

"Oh thank you so much" I smiled knowing that at least some people thought I still did well even after my accident. "Bye"

"Bye" he blushed.

Harry and I made our way out, I felt as if he wanted me out of there already.

"What's wrong?" I laughed. "C'mon Harry tell me. Are you jealous?" I gasped

"How can you live like that? Knowing that men have seen you half naked? Once they know who you are you can see the lust dripping from their eyes. It's like they're undressing you with their own eyes."

I was a bit shocked at his words which made me stop my walking to the car. I tried reading his expression as to why he had said that to me, but I just didn't get anything.

"It's my job Harry, and I enjoy it. And what if men see me half naked it's not your business."

"But it is my business Maya"

"How is it your business?" I seethed lowly not wanting for paparazzi to hear our first argument.

"Get in the car Maya I have to take you home."

"No Harry, why is it your business?"

"Because I care about you"

"People care about me and they don't mind it. The other Angels do it as well and we care for each other, even mother cares for me and she's the one who got me in it" I said not understanding him.

"Your fucking mother doesn't give a shit or two about you Maya, just look at your fucking cheek and tell me if she cares about you. Is that how she shows her shitty love towards you, all she cares about is filling you up with money, which if you didn't know benefits her."

"Shut up you don't know how my mother feels about me, she loves me and she does all this for my best!"

"Shut up Maya, get in the car and quit causing a scene where everyone can see us."

I knew he was right and if mother found out about this scene I caused I knew I'd be in trouble so I opened the door before he got the chance and got in the car. He followed soon at turned the car on getting us out of the parking lot and onto the street. When he got me home I quickly stepped out of the car.

"Maya, plea-"

"Oh for fuck's sake Harry I heard enough of you" I said closing the door on him.

I entered the living room and dropped my purse next to me. I sighed when I heard my ringtone knowing that it was Harry. I turned it off not wanting to hear of him.


A bit late but I go it.

I wanted to ask if I could get a vote and maybe two reads for this chapter.

Hope you are liking it.

And I really wish I was at the San Diego concert.

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