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My life as Lia Teasdale didn't last much.

It all changed after Lia turned one.

"Lia" called Harry, "we need to go, now."

"I'm going." I rushed down the stairs from our new home. Harry had wanted us to have a house of our own so he bought us one. Ali was in his arms looking so beautiful with her puffy pink dress.

We were going to Anne's house first.

"Mum can you take care of Ali, I forgot to buy something."

"Of course dear" said Anne making her way to grab Ali.

On our way to the store I scolded Harry. I had asked him million of times if he had forgotten something and he always said no. He just laughed at me telling me that it would be fine. After a while I noticed that we weren't near any store.

He finally stopped at an arena. We made our way inside and into the stage.

"Right where we met" said Harry. And it sure was, I looked around and knew that this was were I first saw him. After looking around my eyes went back to him but this time I looked down.

Harry was on one knee.

"Lia. This is where we first met and sorry to say this but, I am gald you fell. Your clumsiness brought us together." I laughed a bit at that. "We have been through hell and out. We've experienced pain and love, happiness and sadness. We have a family, our little Ali. Lia I love you ever since I laid eyes on you here in this arena. I want to be with you all my life." He reached into his pocket and got a box out. My hand made its way to my mouth. "Lia Teasdale, will you marry me?"

So here I was getting my dress on for my wedding with the love of my life.

"Let's go Lia" said my mom. Lou was happy for me. We had made up for all of our lost time.

Everyone made their way to the church doors. My bridesmaids and groomsmen went in first. Then went in our parents, Louis accompanying my mom. Next was Ali who took a while making her way down the aisle, making sure that she only through a petal each step. She was a bit of a laugh. Then it was my turn.


I turned to the person who would be handing me off to Harry.

"I'm ready Ethan."

He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and we started walking.

Time was slowed down. The only person I could see was Harry. He looked dashing in his tux. His eyes were glistening with tears and I was sure mine were the same. We finalky reached him and before handing me off Ethan said some words to him.

"Always fight for her Harry. I hope you live happily."

He then left leaving us two to make this happen.

I didn't pay much attention to the ceremony, but I did when it came to the two words we needed to say.

"I do" I said making Harry smile.

"I do" said Harry.

"You may ki-"

We didnt even let him finish, our mouths were together finally sealing this chapter.

Now I was ready to be Lia Styles.

The end.
I want to thank to everyone who read this. This was the second story I started, but the first I finished. It may not have been the best, but it is something I am proud of. I am writing another story which I will probably start this week. Hope that you give me a chance once again and read it. Thanks for being a part of this and reading it, seeing the numbers increase always made me happy and gave me the boost to finish this. Thank you once again.

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