Chapter 55

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"The person is with the name of... Rachel Harred."

What the actual fuck. Her own fucking mother?

Gasps were heard from everyone. "Where is she" anger seethed through my words. I loved her daughter but I hated her.

"She is under custody already. We want to get to talk with Maya first."

"She is not well to talk yet."

"I understand. We will be in the waiting room."

They left afterwards. I turned to see my friends and family to see them all shocked. My mother and Lou were crying, but Lou was in a bad shape. Something was wrong. I went up to her and hugged her closely. "My baby" she would cry.

"What?" Louis asked her. He looked like everything was about to make sense.

"She- Maya isn't who she thinks she is. The person looking for my daughter found her. It all connected back to her, back to Maya. Maya isn't Maya she's Lia. Rachel took her from me, she made my daughter's life a living hell." Lou cried she could barely even hold herself up. "I don't want to lose her Harry, she needs to know."

I couldn't believe it. Lou cared for her greatly, all this time she knew and saw how hurt she got because of her kidnapper. But that is not the worst she saw me hurt her own daughter. I too hurt her the worst way possible.

"I'm sorry Lou. For everything." She just held on tightly. The mood had become worse, now it wasn't just my girlfriend and mother of my child in a hospital bed fighting for her life, now she was Lou's daughter as well.

She wouldn't respond. We had all been here for a day. Lou had been able to see her granddaughter . She gushed for about an hour, it made me happy seeing her like this. We still weren't able to see Maya, or now Lia. Lou had told Lux about her sister. She was in such a happy mood. It was nice seeing someone happy, it made us feel like we could make it through anything.

I made my way to Lou. "When did you find out?"

"Remember that trip I took. Well we kind of had the idea. The investigator found Rachel and started making inspections on her. She can't have kids, which then got him to investigate 'Maya'. We still weren't sure but I had a feeling it was her. I found out the day she came to the hospital-"

"The day I found out about the pregnancy?" I interrupted for confirmation.

"Yeah, I knew by then. I didn't tell her because she couldn't have any worries."

"We understand we're on our way" the officers quickly left. Not long after that a doctor came to us.

"Maya Harred" Lou quickly stoop up and I followed behind.

"After some stressful hours, Maya has finally responded she is awake at the moment."

Lou and I both jumped up in joy. I took her in my arms and spun her around. Our family had gathered up our scene and knew that Lia was well. They all started hugging each other. The doctor smiled and went on.

"Like I said, she is awake. She is very tired and might not be able to talk much but she is aware of her surroundings. Two of you can go in, just try not to get her to move. Just be careful."

We both followed the doctor to her room. Lou was already crying, I held her hand giving her a squeeze for reassurance. He opened the door for us and we both went in.

There she was, pink overtaking her cheeks. Her eyes were opened now. I made my way to her and held her hand. She smiled and started crying.

"No, no, no, don't cry baby, it's okay. I'm here."

I cleaned her tears and pecked her lips. Lou came up to her and held her hand as well.

We didn't talk much. I would tell her here and there how much I loved her but we mostly enjoyed each other's presence.

"Where is she? Did she-" Lia asked with fear.

"She is fine L-Maya" Lou said her. It was then I understood she was going to wait until she was fully recovered. " I saw her already, beautiful baby you both made."

Lia looked at me, and I registered Lou's words. "I'm so sorry Harry. I was scared. I -"

"Shh, it's okay Maya. I understand. Don't worry. I saw her already and Lou is right we made a beautiful baby girl."

"Mae" she said, and I remembered her asking me about how I would name a girl. I smiled but I no longer wanted Mae, back then I had my reasons to, now I knew it wasn't a great thing to hold on to."

"How about now that I know I have a daughter with you, you can let me pick again." She chuckled and nodded yes.


"Ali" she said testing it out. Lou smiled, and I knew that she had put the letters in an order.

"I like it" said Lia.

I smiled finally feeling a sense of relief.

"Can I see her" she said with as much strength as she could.

I nodded and made my way outside to ask the doctor if we can bring the baby in for Maya, Lia, to see. I walked through the hall looking for the nurse but it seemed as the hospital had no nurses or doctors, there was no one around. I made my way to the waiting room and found everyone who was there, except this time there were no smiles, there was sadness again and sour expressions. I walked up to my mum and asked her what was going on. She tried speaking but the words wouldn't come out. I knew something was wrong. I went to Louis and asked him to same. He looked hurt.

"I'm sorry Harry" he said.

"What is going on?" I screamed at everyone. They all gave me sad glances. I knew it had nothing to do with Lia. I was with her all this time she was fine. If it wasn't her then who...Ali.

"Where's my daughter" I screamed at them.

I heard my mother let her sobs out, something was wrong with my daughter.

"Louis tell me" I said trying to swallow the lump in my throat.

"She's missing."

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