Chapter 59

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The truth was out.

I felt like my whole world has stopped spinning. Here I was, Lia Teasdale, crying into Harry's shoulder. Everything around me was truth, while I was all lies. Harry was my boyfriend. Louis, Niall and Liam were my friends. Lou was my mom, and Lux my sister. All these people knew who I was, they knew about Lia.

Everyone knew about Lia, except for Lia herself.

We were back at Anne's, I still hadn't spoken a word. My mind was everywhere, first with my unborn child and Ethan, then Leo, Harry and Ali on my mind as well.

I was in Harry's room, on my own little world until a knock brough me put of it. The door opened and in came Ethan.

"It sucks doesn't it."

I looked up at him and nodded. He came next to me on the bed and hugged me. The truth about our child finally out. I hadn't lost it, i had our child taken from us.

"You know M-Lia, sorry I'll get used to it. I was saying it sucks knowing that the reason we couldn't be together was because of someone who only cared about her fame." Ethan started kissing my head. "But you know what Lia, even though it hurt like hell not being able to be with you, I'm happy for you. Lia you are meant to be with Harry. That lady brought onto you many obstacles and for some reason you overcame them all. You fought for each other, something we couldn't do. Lia, you have a family, I have a family, things were just meant to be like that. She put you with Harry and he made sure to keep it like that, he loves you."

"I know, it just hurts knowing that the life I lived was never mine. She was my mother, she needed to love me."

"Lia, I know it hurts but you didn't loose a mother, you gained one, Lou is your mom, she loves you and she never lost hope of ever finding you. C'mon let's get out of here and go to the living room, everyone that loves you is there, we've all got you know Lia."

There they were. Everyone was here, waiting to see what I would do. Not saying a word I walked to the couch Harry was in and sat next to him. I got Ali from him and held her in my arms.

Ali. Lia.

Harry knew.

I sighed and looked at Ali. She looked right back at me. "I love you baby girl." She giggled and reached her small hands out to me. I got a hold of one and brought her closer to me. "My whole life was a lie, a mess, can you believe that? Mommy didn't know anything about her. But guess what honey you and me will start the same. Fresh and ready to start life. You'll start life as Ali and I'll start it as Lia."


I looked up to see Lou in front of me. I didn't know what to do. What do you do when you finally meet your mom.

"I..." She was as nervous as I was. "I would do anything to turn back time. I would make sire you would never be alone. I'm so sorry." She was crying.

"Don't cry. I wouldn't turn back time, ever. Even though there weren't many smiles throighout my life these past moments have made up for it. We found each other. I met all of you. You habe a daughter, a job. I like to think that everything happens for a reason. May e if this wouldn't have had happened we wouldn't be here. I know we're in a bad place right now but, I wouldn't have met any of you-" I looked up at everyone, "I wouldn't have my family. I know that whatever you went through must've been so hard. But here we are, together, now we just need to make up for all the lost time. I love you mom."

Lou's eyes turned big. She came up to me and hugged me and Ali. She was crying, happy tears.

I had everything now. I had Harry and a daughter. I had friends that loved me. I had a mom and a sister. My life was starting, starting with people who loved me. This life of Lia would be what I deserved all along. Maya was just someone that prepared me for Lia. I was ready to live the life of Lia Teasdale.

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