Chapter 27

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 I quickly sat up, shocked to hear what Harry told me. He calmed down and finally explained everything that was talked about in the meeting. Harry said he understood Zayn wanting to leave after he explained his reasons, making me agree as well. He was happy for Zayn, he was just sad at the moment of what would be happening. After talking Harry laid his head on my chest and fell asleep while I softly tugged on his hair. Tomorrow would be the day everyone knows about the news and I had to be there not only for Harry but the others as well.


The news had gone out and everyone was going crazy about it, can't judge them though, it is something serious for them and the fans. The boys had a concert today, their first concert as an official 4 piece boy band. Harry was sorry for missing the 'date' and said he would compensate me for all the work I did by taking me on a real date, as in we actually go out somewhere. I told him he didn't have to but he said it would help him keep his head off of everything. Our date would be tomorrow since today would be such a hectic day. 

Nobody did much today really, I guess we were all letting it sink in that one member had left the roller coaster. The day was kind of dull, but the boys did great at their concert, many fans still had their back which brought a smile to their face. The day had ended well for them because of the remaining boys.


I was getting ready for our date. My makeup was a bit of a smokey eye and my hair was loose in curls. I changed into a long skater skirt with a white button up with sleeves just below my elbow. I wore my nude stilettos with a bow in the front and a small diamond necklace. I grabbed my small hand purse and headed out to the living room where Harry was already ready with his usual outfit of a black skinny jeans his brown boots and a white button up.

"I feel too overdressed" I told him second guessing my outfit.

"You look fine, in fact amazing" he said.

I looked down at my outfit, no longer feeling comfortable.

"Let's just head out before you get yourself to change outfits" Harry said grabbing my hand and getting me out of the room.

On our way to the elevator we saw Louis and told him we were going on a date, to which he told us to enjoy. We passed the front desk and made our way outside, paparazzi already prepared for pictures. We got on without answering any questions from them, many regarding to Zayn.

"Where are we going?" I asked him wanting to know.

"Well I was thinking of dinner."

"You won't tell me will you?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"It's just a restaurant, not so fancy but it'll do. I just don't know much around here and I guess we can get to know more of each other" he surprised me by telling me.

"I like the idea" I happily told him.

We arrived and just like Harry said, it wasn't too fancy but it wasn't poorly. We asked for a table for two, which thankfully was given to us in a more far off section. We ordered and talked about ourselves while we ate.

"20 questions?" Harry asked me.

"20 questions?" I said confused.

"I ask you twenty questions and so do you" he explained. I nodded ready to play.

"Favorite color?" he started.

"Pink" I quickly responded. "Best memory?" I asked him.

He brought his hand to his chin making him look like he was thinking real hard about it. "I guess I could say auditioning on The X Factor" he smiled making me smile as well. "When is your birthday?"

"Wow" I spoke with shock and decided to tease him, "my own boyfriend doesn't know my birthday."

"We've never asked each other" he defended himself. "I bet you don't know mine either" he teased me as well.

"May the first" I told him.

"Wrong you see you don't-"

"That's mine, but you're right I don't know yours. So question two for me, when is your birthday." I shamefully admitted

"February the first. Any family other than your mother?"

"No, it's just me and her. You?"

"A sister named Gemma, my mum and a step dad. Place you hope you visit?"

I didn't think much about that one. There is one place I dream of going to "Paris."

"Really, you've never been?"

"Never. I've always imagined what it is to be right in front of the Eiffel tower" I told him, my voice filled with amazement. He smiled at me and told me to ask my question. 

"Do you regret doing something?"

"Hiding my feelings for you" I smiled at his answer. "How about you, anything you really regret."

'My life' I thought. I wish I had never let mother control me the way she did or still does. I regret telling her about my baby. Maybe if I didn't tell her so early I'd be with my baby now. But then I wouldn't be here with Harry at the moment. I sighed but answered him, "I guess I regret... my mother" I embarrassedly told him, not liking the idea of regretting my mom, but it was the truth.

"Can I ask you something" Harry said.

I shook my head telling him no. "It's my turn" to which he knew he had to wait for his turn. "What does it feel like to have a loving mother?" Harry's expression changed quickly once he heard my question.

"Maya, I don't-"

"I want to know."

He looked at me as if to make sure I was alright. "It's amazing. It's such a beautiful feeling knowing that that person will always have your back. She is always there for me. She makes me feel loved and safe. She truly wants the best for me. She is always caring about how I feel or what I do. You know that if you ever have any problems she will always be the first to help you. She is always looking out for me and my sister."

I smiled imaging what it was like to have had those ideas of a mother. In my case none of that ever happened, everything she did was for her benefit. Never had she given me the mother daughter love. "Your turn" I told him.

"Why do you regret your mother?"

I knew this would be his question. I answered him thinking of how he has answered all of mine. "I... I've never felt the mother daughter connection with her. It feels like I don't fit in with her. I honestly don't know anything about her, she never talks to me. She controls me in a way management does, a cold way where they don't care what you are going through you have to listen. She's never cared for me, unless it risks my work. She hasn't let me live."

Harry looked at me deeply, "remember on the plane where I told you I was going to show you how to live" he reminded me. I nodded my head remembering his words. "I still stand with it, I will show you. I want to make you the happiest girl. You deserve it." He said taking ahold of my hand. "I want you to come with me when I have the break from the tour. I don't care about your schedule or your mother, I want you to come, I want to show you how to live."

I couldn't help but get emotional. In front of me I had such a loving boyfriend that wanted to teach me how to live. "I want to go with you" I admitted.

He got closer to me and gave me a peck on the lips. "I wouldn't have taken a no as an answer" he told me.

We left after that, not knowing what question we were even on. We got up to our room and changed into more comfortable clothes to sleep in. After we brushed our teeth we got under the covers and cuddled.

"Goodnight Maya" he said kissing my forehead.

"Goodnight Haz."

I was too tired and sleepy to even respond to what he mumbled to me.

"I know we're done with the questions but I got one last question, for me, and I got the answer. How do I feel about you? I love you, I love you Maya Harred."


Here is the update, hope you enjoy it.

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