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Two weeks later Kara had returned to work doing paperwork only and leaving early every day. However today when she left early her truck headed to Lena's shop almost as if it drove its self there. Before she knew it she was standing inside the shop looking at everything and nothing at the same time. "I'll be right with you!" Lena's voice called out from the back of the shop. "Take your time soapgirl!" Kara replied with a smile.

Lena quickly ran out of the back room and stood there gaping at Kara. "Kara!" Lena exclaimed happily as she pulled her into a hug. "Miss me?" Kara asked teasingly. "But of course! Who could not miss you sunshine!" Lena replied. "So hows the shop going?" Kara asked. "It's going alright, hows work going?" Lena asked. "Boring. I've been doing only paperwork and leaving early everyday and I'm taking the rest of the week off to 'relax' as Alex and Sam call it. And since Friday's girls night...and I thought I'd come hang out with my favorite soap maker." Kara replied.

Lena smiled at her before talking again. "Have you had lunch yet? We can order something." Lena suggested. "Sounds good to me! Want some help with soap making? Although I may not be the best at it...but I can try..." Kara replied. "I'd love some help. Come on sunshine, I'll show you the ways of soap making." Lena replied with a smile.

Lena and Kara sat side by side in the back room while they made new soaps and shampoos. Well Kara watched Lena work and was in awe at how beautiful Lena is. The way her eyes sparkled as she measured different things before adding them to a boiling pot and stirred them slowly. "What's that you're making now?" Kara asked. "It's this new scent I'm calling it sunshine's sunshine. You inspired me Kara, you can get the first bottle to test it out if you like." Lena replied.

Kara didn't know how to respond to this, she just smiled at the dark haired woman. She was so beautiful, so so very beautiful...and yet Kara was too scared to say something to her about how she felt. She knew she wanted to tell Lena that she liked her more than a friend but she didn't know how to go about it. 'Maybe I should talk to Alex about this.' She thought to herself as she continued watching Lena make the soap inspired by her.

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