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The next night Kara and Lena headed to the carnival together for a date. They decided to dress up as characters from their favorite movie 'The Notebook' for the night. Kara even put in a pair of contacts so she could look more like Noah. Lena however refused to dye her hair red, but Kara didn't complain about it. "I love your hair the color it is Allie." Kara teased. Lena responded by sticking her tongue out at the blonde. "Are you gonna try to win me some oversized stuffed animal?" Lena asked teasingly as they passed a few carnival games. "Maybe...do you want one?" Kara asked. "No, but if you win one I'll gladly take it." Lena replied. Kara smiled as she wrapped her arm around Lena and walked to the ticket booth.

While Lena was looking at something in the distance Kara bought a hundred tickets and pocketed them. "Ready?" Kara asked. "Yes. Where to first?" Lena asked. "How about the carousel?" Lena replied. Kara nodded as they walked over to the ride together. Kara handed over two tickets to the man collecting them and got on the ride. "What horse do you want?" Kara asked. "There's two close together here. You can get the blue one and I'll take the white one." Lena said.

Half way through the ride Lena had pulled out her phone and snapped a few pictures of them riding the children's ride together. The women were having the time of their lives together. "Come on let's get some food in you then we'll go on the ferris wheel." Kara said as they began walking towards the food carts. "What would you like love?" Kara asked. "Hmmm how about we get a few things and share them." Lena replied. "Works for me." Kara replied.

They walked from booth to booth getting nachos, fried dough, hotdogs, burgers, chili fries, and two large strawberry lemonades. They sat at a picnic table together near some game booths and began eating their banquet of food. "This is really good. Want to try it?" Lena asked passing Kara her burger. Sharing food was nothing new to them, they did it all the time. Kara took the burger and passed Lena the hotdog. "You're right! It is good. How's the nacho's?" Kara asked. "Really good." Lena replied with a smile.

After eating the majority of their food and finishing their drinks the women took turns in the bathroom before going to ride the ferris wheel. By now the sun was beginning to set which would mean that by the time they got on the ride they'd be able to enjoy the whole sunset. Wrapping her arm around Lena as they rode the ride to the top and stopped for a moment, Kara leaned in to Lena and kissed her hard. The passionate kiss lasted a minute and left them breathless. "Wow!" Lena gasped as they pulled apart looking at one another. "Yea.." Kara replied.

When the ride came to an end Kara and Lena got off and continued walking around for a bit before going back to Kara's house for the night. "Tonight was fun." Lena said as they lay in bed. "Yea it was. Are you sure you wanna go back this weekend with our moms?" Kara asked. "Yes...it was your idea...if you want we can make it a whole family thing. Invite Alex and Sam too." Lena suggested. "Yea...that way mom will be after Alex instead of me." Kara replied. "Go to sleep goofball." Lena teased. "Good night Lee." Kara whispered. "Good night Kar." Lena replied as she lay her head on Kara's chest.

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