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Two weeks passed since the accident and Kara was still in the hospital. However everyday she got visitors, Lena and Molly came every day to visit. Elizabeth and Eliza came to visit mostly in the evenings along with Alex and Sam. Today was Saturday though so that meant Nia would come see her. "Hey boss!" Nia exclaimed happily as she put down a large bouquet of flowers and a stack of cards on the table. "Hey Nia! How's everything going at the clinic?" Kara asked. "Going really well! The flowers and some of the cards are from everyone at the clinic. The rest of the cards are from patients, everyone wishes you a speedy recovery." Nia said.

Kara smiled brightly at her assistant. "Thank you Nia. You can tell everyone I'll be able to go home in another week as soon as they get a wheelchair ready for me." Kara replied. "Will you come visit the clinic?" Nia asked. "Probably not for a while." Kara replied. "Understandable. I'm just glad you're ok! You gave us all a shock when we heard about your accident. The man who hit you is in jail for a good while now, so thats good." Nia explained. "Yea, Lena's been keeping me updated on the news." Kara replied. "Speaking of, hows Molly doing?" Nia asked.

"She's great! They come in every day to visit me...speaking of here they are now." Kara said as Lena came walking in with Molly in her arms. "Hello Nia! Oh those flowers are lovely!" Lena gushed as she walked over to the bed. "Thank you there from everyone at the clinic, along with some cards." Nia replied. "And the rest?" Lena asked eyeing the stack in Kara's hands. "From the patients. They're all wishing Kara a speedy recovery." Nia replied.

Molly gently crawled up on her blonde mommy's bed and began licking her broken arm. "Thank you love, your kisses are making mommy heal so much better." Kara cooed as she took her good hand and gently patted the puppy's head. "I'll be heading out now. I'll come by tomorrow afternoon Kara. It was nice to see you Lena, Molly." Nia said. "See you later Nia! Tell everyone thank you for me!" Kara replied as Nia walked out of the room.

"How's the shop?" Kara asked. "Good, I've started making a homemade dog shampoo with oatmeal. My veterinarian girlfriend suggested it." Lena replied. "She sounds like a smart person." Kara replied. "Oh she is...although shes very accident prone, but I love her no matter what." Lena replied as she leaned in and gave Kara a kiss on the forehead. Molly whimpered at her mom's being affectionate. "Molly...can't momma kiss mommy?" Lena groaned. Molly just looked at Lena before laying her head back down on Kara's arm. "Good girl Molly. Momma is allowed to kiss mommy, it's ok." Kara cooed.

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