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Later that afternoon while Kara is propped up on the sofa with Molly in her lap cuddling her, Lena is in the kitchen working on dinner. "I missed you too my sweet girl!" Kara cooed to the growing puppy. "Molly be careful with momma shes still sore." Lena said with a smile. Molly just looks over Kara's shoulder at Lena as if to say 'I'm taking care of momma mommy!' "She's fine love. Has your mom gotten back to you?" Kara asked. "Yes, she said she'd be here." Lena said. "Oh that's good love! I'm happy she's coming." Kara replied as she put Molly on the floor again so she can run to her toys.

A little while later once Lena gets the food in the oven to cook she comes over and helps get Kara off of the sofa and into her wheelchair so she can go to the bathroom. "I'll be right back." Kara says as she rolls away. Lena shakes her head at her fiancé's stubbornness. "I'll be right here if you need help." Lena said with a smile. A few minutes later Kara emerges from the bathroom with a smile on her face. "What's got you smiling love?" Lena asked. "I just used the bathroom by myself for the first time since I got hurt again!" Kara replied happily. "I'm so proud of you!" Lena gushes.

"Do you wanna go back to the sofa?" Lena asked. "No I think I'm ok sitting here for a while. When does your mom get here?" Kara asked. "Around the same time everyone else does. I'm glad she's coming, and it'll help that Alex, Sam, and Eliza are coming too." Lena replied. "Oh me too! That way they'll be witnesses incase your mom kills me or something." Kara teased. "Oh stop Kar...she likes you well enough." Lena replied. "Oh yea...she liked me when I was just your girlfriend..but now  I'm your fiancé...thats a whole different level." Kara replied. "True..but she'll love you just as much as I love you. So stop overreacting." Lena added reassuring the blonde.

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