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(Time Skip Two Years Later)

"Congratulations Mrs. And Mrs. Danvers! You have a brand new baby girl!" The doctor said as she passed their daughter over to Kara who lay in the hospital bed. It was decided that Kara would be the first out of them to get pregnant. It took a few try's but it was successful and here was the results. "She's beautiful!" Kara gushed. "Yes she is...she looks like you." Lena cooed. "She has your eyes Lee...shes perfect." Kara added. "Yes she is. Shall I go get the grandma's and the Aunt?" Lena asked. Kara nodded slowly. "I'll be right back."Lena said kissing her forehead before leaving the room.

Out in the waiting room everyone was sitting impatiently waiting for news of the birth. "Hey guys! Mom? Eliza? Do you want to come meet your granddaughter?" Lena asked with a smile. "Yes!" They both said together. "We're coming too! We're her aunts!" Sam added. "Well come on! Come meet her." Lena replied as she walked back down the hall. Lena opened the door to the hospital room revealing Kara and their newborn baby. "Everyone we'd like you to meet our daughter Briana Rose Danvers."  Kara said.

"That's a wonderful name." Alex said. "Yes it is. It's a really strong name." Eliza added. "It means 'one of strong will'." Elizabeth added. "Well knowing Kara and Lena...all of their children will be strong willed." Sam added in. "Do you want to hold her?" Lena asked looking at everyone. "Grandma's first." Kara added. Kara passed her to Eliza first since she was closest.

One after the other everyone got a turn to hold Briana in their arms before returning her to her makeshift cot. "She's beautiful sweetheart!" Eliza said as she kissed Kara's forehead. "Thanks mom." Kara replied. "Yes she's very pretty. I'm proud of you and the little family you have her Lena." Elizabeth said. "Thanks mom." Lena replied.

Two days later they returned home and Molly was very excited to see her little sister. "Be careful Molly...she's just a baby." Kara cooed. "She's fine darling come..relax." Lena cooed. "I'm relaxed.." Kara grumbled. "No you not...now sit down.." Lena added. "Do you remember when we first met?" Lena asked. "Yes I do...I called Alex to come help me on a farm call..and you tagged along...I remember thinking that you looked hot in my spare overalls." Kara replied. "Yes! Then you had me stick my hand up a heifers ass!" Lena grumbled. "Yea..I did..." Kara replied.  "Then...then...you had your accident....and I was scared...but I got over it...especially after we started dating..." Lena replied. "Yea..then our short breakup...man we sure came along way since then." Kara replied.

Molly was laying up tight to the swing where Briana was sleeping. "Yea we did....we went from friends...to girlfriends...to living together..." Lena began. "To..gettin Molly...to...gettin engaged..." Kara added. "To...getting married..." Lena said. "To...this..having Briana....we've officially gone full circle. You know what...I'd definitely do it all over again..." Kara replied with a smile. "Me too..." Lena replied. "Man...I can't believe we were so oblivious back then..." Kara joked. "Yea...me either...but it got us here...I love you Kara Danvers." Lena whispered. "And I love you too Lena Danvers." Kara replied.


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