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Kara not only won two big stuffed animals for Lena...she won six. "Kar! Where am I gonna put all these?" Lena grumbled. "Well we can go put them in my truck till we're done." Kara suggested. "That would be a good idea. Come on...let's go so we can head back and get some more food and ride the rides." Lena replied with a smile. Once the toys were put in the truck they walked back to the carnival to find some food and go on some ready going rides. "So what would you like to eat?" Kara asked. "Whatever it is...I'm buying it this time. No objections." Lena stated. "Ok...fine." Kara replied with a smile.

They settled on two lemonades and a large order of nachos before heading on to the ferris wheel together. "Oh look there's everyone! They're ordering food." Lena said pointing to their group. "Ok, we'll meet them later." Kara replied. "Come here...let's take a picture together." Lena said wrapping an arm around Kara's shoulders. Lena snapped a picture of them eating nachos together. "This is so going on the wall." Lena teased as she put her phone away.

After the ride ended Kara and Lena began walking to find everyone else. "They were by the fried dough truck." Lena said. They walked that direction and quickly found everyone. "Hey! How was the rabbit barn?" Alex asked. "It was ok." Lena replied with a smile. Sam eyed the couple curiously before speaking. "What happened between you two?" Sam asked. "Kara asked me to move in with her!" Lena exclaimed. Everyone's jaws dropped to the floor. "And what did you say Lena?" Elizabeth asked. "Yes of course! I'm there most nights anyways. It's not too far away from the shop, so it makes sense." Lena replied with a smile. "And on the rabbit front?" Alex asked.

"We actually...decided to wait on the animal front. For now." Kara replied. "Oh well that makes sense. So? When do you move in together?" Eliza asked. Kara and Lena shared a look. "We were thinking next weekend move Lena's stuff into my house, or our house now." Kara replied still looking at Lena who was smiling back in response. "That'll give me time to box stuff up." Lena added. "Sounds like you two have thought about this." Elizabeth stated. "We have. It's been on our minds for a while now, it just took looking at rabbits to get us to confess." Lena said.

"Well! This calls for a celebration! Next weekend girls night at Kara and Lena's! I'll bring the booze!" Sam exclaimed. "We'll make the food." Kara added with a smile. "And I'll bring myself and my appetite." Alex said laughing. "Well...tonight was fun. Let's head home, I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I've got to go to work in the morning." Eliza said. "And I've got six stuffed animals to put away." Lena replied as she wrapped her arm around Kara's waist. "Six! How did you get six?" Sam asked. "She won them for me." Lena replied. "You didn't win anything for me!" Sam groaned. "We'll come back tomorrow night and I'll win you something." Alex replied looking down at her hands.

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