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"Nia! I'm taking off for the afternoon. If any emergencies come up call me ok." Kara stated. "You got ya boss!" Nia replied. "Ready Lee?" Kara asked looking at her. "Yea, let's go." Lena replied with a smile. "So where are we off to? Your's or mine?" Kara asked. "My shops still open till four so let's go there, not everyone can leave for the afternoon..." Lena teased. "Ah...you'll just have to hire someone." Kara replied. "Easily more said than done Kar...I don't trust a lot of people." Lena replied. "Well come on then, let's get yo back to your shop Cinderella." Kara replied with a smile.

A few minutes later Kara parked her truck next to Lena's car and headed into the shop. "It always smells good in here." Kara said as the walked into the back room. Before Kara could set her bag down she was being pushed up against the wall. Lena's lips crashed into her own in a heated kiss. Kara's bag slid out of her hands as they quickly found Lena's lower back pulling her into the kiss.


"Fuck! Customers..." Lena cursed as they quickly jumped apart. Lipstick smeared across their faces made it obvious to anyone in the store that the two women were just in the middle of a heated make out session. However the customer that was in the shop wasn't just a normal customer. "Stay here...I'll go see who it is." Lena whispered. Kara nodded as she watched Lena disappear through the curtain.

"Mom!?!" Lena exclaimed. "Yes it's me darling, I told you I'd be coming into town this week. Oh did you forget? Lena what happened to your lipstick? It's all over your face." Elizabeth stated. "Uh...umm...." Lena stammered as she tried to find the right words. "Is there someone in here with you?" Elizabeth asked smiling. "Um...ummm...yea...Kara...come out please..."Lena called. Head down eyes averted to the floor a pink faced Kara Danvers emerged from the back room.

Elizabeth looked over at Kara taking her in before she spoke. "So? You're my daughter's girlfriend? It's nice to meet you, Kara." Elizabeth greeted. "It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Walsh." Kara replied shaking the extended hand. "Kara is the person I was taking care of when you were here last time. She's the veterinarian." Lena explained. "I see. I'm glad to see your back at work again. Are you still wrestling bulls?" Elizabeth asked. "Uh not anymore. I'm just doing clinic calls now, and only emergency farm calls. But that's only if my main veterinarians that do it are out for some personal energy." Kara explained. Elizabeth nodded as she looked between Kara and Lena. "I should probably...get going...gotta go wash my scrubs." Kara said.

"What happened to them?" Elizabeth asked. "She got them dirty earlier when doing an operation." Lena replied. "Did it go well?" Elizabeth asked. Kara immediately turned pale at the question. "No...unfortunately it didn't. The dog was old and wound up passing on the operation table." Kara replied. Lena looked at Kara who was looking down again. "Go ahead and go wash them...I'll come over later after I close up." Lena replied knowing that her girlfriend was pretty embarrassed and nervous about meeting her mother like this. "Ok...it was nice meeting you Mrs. Walsh. See ya later Lee." Kara replied as she grabbed her bag and walked out the door.

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