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It was almost night time when the women emerged from Kara's bedroom that afternoon. "So...your mind clear now?" Kara asked. "Yes..." Lena replied. "That was..." Kara said. "Wow...." Lena replied. "Yea...wow..." Kara replied. "Are you hungry? We kind of missed lunch and dinner." Lena asked. "I could eat..." Kara replied. "Good, let's get dressed and go out." Lena replied. 

A few minutes later they were both dressed again and walking out to Lena's bike. "We're taking that?" Kara asked. "Why not? I'm a safe driver...and I have a spare helmet for you." Lena replied passing Kara a helmet. Kara looked from the bike to here girlfriend and back before getting on the back of the bike. Wrapping her arms around Lena she readied herself to be driven to town. "Hold on hun." Lena said as she stared the bike.

A few minutes later Lena pulled into the diner and parked the bike. She got off and helped Kara do the same. "That was fun huh?" Lena asked smiling at Kara. "It was ok...I'd personally prefer to be doing what we were doing...but yes it was fun to cling to you like a monkey." Kara replied smiling at Lena who was now blushing. "Kara...not in public...gosh..." Lena whined. "Can't help it...you're absolutely gorgeous." Kara whispered as she wrapped her arms around Lena and pressed her lips to hers. "Come on...let's go get some food." Lena replied as they pulled apart.

They sat at a booth together and quickly ordered their food and drinks. "So...are you excited to see your doctor again?" Lena asked. "Not really. They're gonna tell me that I have to wait till I'm all healed to go back to regular work." Kara replied. "But that's ok...right? This way yo won't be going back to farm calls and getting hurt all over again." Lena replied. "Yea...but I miss it..I'm so tired of looking at paperwork and doing small animal stuff." Kara groaned.

Lena reached over and grabbed Kara's hand. "I prefer it this way...I don't think I'm ready to see you in a hospital room again for a long time. When we got the call that you had been injured I lost control of my emotions. You looked so helpless lying there all bandaged up." Lena stated. "Lee...I didn't know you felt that way...you should have told me. I can continue doing small animals if it'll calm your fears." Kara replied. Lena looked up at Kara and smiled. "You'd do that for me? But you love farm calls." Lena replied. "Yes I would." Kara replied. "You don't have to give up that for me...I'll be ok when you get the all clear to go back to full duty." Lena replied.

"But you just said..." Kara stated. "I know what I said! Maybe...we shouldn't do this dating thing! Maybe it was a mistake..." Lena snapped. Kara watched as she got up and walked out of the diner, jumping on her bike and driving off. "What the hell?" Kara asked herself. Standing up Kara paid for the food and made sure Lena's stuff got delivered to her shop before she started walking to her house.

It was pitch black when Kara returned to her house that night. She was upset and confused about what had just happened at the diner. She decided to let Lena have some time to herself and cool off. Kara sank into her sofa after reheating the food and clicked on the television as a tear fell from her eye.

Back inside Lena's small apartment she was sitting on her small sofa eating the food she long forgotten about after leaving the diner. "Even when I yell at her she still makes sure I eat." Lena scoffed to herself. Half way through her food she began thinking. "What have I done? She said she'd give up farm calls for me...and what did I do? I yelled at her...told her that dating her was a mistake...god I basically pushed her back into the farm calls...now she could get hurt and I'll never know...fuck....I need to call Sam..." Lena groaned to herself pulling her phone out and dialing her best friend's number.

"Hey Lena...what's up?" Sam asked. "I think I broke up with Kara...and I may have yelled at her and said 'dating her was a mistake'. God Sam! She even offered to give up farm calls for me! FOR ME! And then I said that she shouldn't do that...and well I overreacted...and well I stormed off and left her at the diner..." Lena groaned. "And...what were you doing before  the diner?" Sam asked. "We...we were having sex..." Lena whispered. "AND YOU DUMPED HER! Was it that bad?" Sam yelled. "No..it was actually amazing! However we were talking about her doctor's appointment and she said she couldn't wait to get back to working farm calls...and I told her how I felt about her doing farm calls...thats when she said how she'd just do small animals...and when I asked if she'd do it for me! FOR ME Sam! She'd give up farm calls for me...but now....now...she'll probably go back to doing them and could get hurt again...and if that happens I won't know..."  Lena whimpered.

"Ok...I'm coming over tomorrow morning...and we'll talk about this more...Lena you go to sleep now...and I'll come over tomorrow morning with breakfast." Sam replied. "O...oh...ok...I'll see you tomorrow Sam..." Lena whispered as she ended the call. Lena walked to her bed and got undressed and just lay there waiting for sleep to overcome her.

Back in Kara's house Kara was dealing with a fitful nights sleep. Her mind was busy thinking about what happened between her and Lena. "What did I do wrong?" Kara asked herself as sleep over took her.

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