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Kara was nervous as she sat in her office fiddling with paperwork she'd already done hours ago. She was just putting off going to Lena's business. Tapping her fingers on her desk she decided it was now or never... "I'm going home for the day! Hold all calls for tomorrow...no Monday!" Kara called as she grabbed her bag and quickly left the office. Letting out a long sigh she started her truck and drove to Lena's.

Lena was pacing the floor in her shop. She would never admit to herself but she was nervous! Really...really nervous! Lena really liked Kara...a lot...and she was nervous about this date. Lena sat down on a stool and shut her eyes and took some deep breaths. "You can do this Lena! It's just one date!" She told herself as she sat there.

Kara walked up to the door of the shop and knocked on it before turning around and looking at her truck. She had flowers in her hand that she picked up from a shop down the road. 'It's the right thing to do...' she thought to herself. "Kara! Hey!" Lena exclaimed happily. "Hey Lena! Uh..these are for you..." Kara said handing her the flowers. Lena looked at the flowers and back to Kara. "Thank you Kara!" Lena replied as she took the flowers from the blonde and quickly put them in a vase before returning to Kara. "Are you ready?" Kara asked. "Yes." Lena replied.

They decided to walk to the restaurant, since it's close to Lena's shop. Kara didn't know if she should hold her hand or not...or what to talk about. "So hows the paperwork going? Are you bored out of your mind yet?" Lena asked. "Bored out of my mind is an understatement. I've been up to my eyeballs in paperwork...I've reorganized my office seventeen times in the past two days. I swear if my doctor doesn't let me go back to my regular schedule soon I may die of sheer boredom or paper cuts." Kara replied chuckling.

"Paper cuts? You got a lot of those? Here let me see." Lena said grabbing the blondes hand and looking at it carefully. Suddenly Lena pulled Kara's hand up to her mouth and placed a kiss on the palm. "There! All better!" Len replied. She continued to hold Kara's hand as they walked into the restaurant together. They took their seats and looked over the menu still holing hands underneath the table. "So do you know what'd you like to eat?" Kara asked. "I'm thinking the burger and onion rings. What about you Kara?" Lena asked. "I'm thinking about the chicken club sandwich and fries." Kara replied. She knew Lena liked the fries here so she made sure to order some so they could share their sides.

A few minutes later their food and drinks arrived and just like that Lena was stealing fries from her plate and Kara was stealing onion rings from Lena's plate in return. A little while later they left the restaurant and decided to go for a walk in the nearby park together. "Today was a lot of fun." Lena said. "Yea...it was..." Kara replied. They finished their walk in the park and began walking back to Lena's shop when someone called out to Kara from the street. The pair stopped and turned to see a brunette woman with short choppy hair walking towards them. "Lucy! Hey..." Kara greeted. "Hey Kara! How are you? I haven't seen you at the clinic much. Is everything ok?" Lucy asked. "Good. Lucy this is my...." Kara trailed off. "Girlfriend! Hi I'm Lena! It's nice to meet you Lucy! How long have you been friends with Kara?" Lena asked. "Oh we've been friends since I first brought my dog into the clinic for her shots." Lucy replied.

"I'm ok. Had a small accident with a bull but Lee here helped me through it." Kara stated. "Oh thats nice of her. So now I see the reason you kept turning me down for dates." Lucy stated. "No, I turned you down because of rule. I don't date clients ever." Kara snapped. "Yea...Kara and I just started seeing each other actually..." Lena replied. "We should get going. It was nice seeing you Lucy. Have a good rest of your day." Kara said as they turned around and started walking away.

When they got back to Lena's shop they sat together in the back room. "So girlfriend huh?" Kara asked teasingly. "Oh shush...you didn't bother correcting it..." Lena replied. "I know.." Kara replied. Lena didn't respond to Kara's words, instead she stood up, walked over to Kara and pressed her lips to hers. Kara quickly pulled Lena into her arms and deepened the kiss.

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