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Hi guys! I've had a few comments & PM's (before Wattpad got rid of them) about whether I've discontinued this book or if I'm still writing it so I thought I'd do a little authors note to let you all know. 

I have every intention of finishing this book all the way through to season 6. I love Alex and Stiles, they're literally one of my favourite couples I've ever written and I do have big plans for them in season 5 in particular. That being said, unfortunately there are no legal streaming platforms in the UK where I can watch all 6 seasons of Teen Wolf.

I've looked into buying them off Amazon Prime but season 4 isn't available and it's like £20 per season which is beyond ridiculous. As much as I want to finish this I won't be paying ridiculous amounts of money to stream it. If any of you know of any other streaming platforms where Teen Wolf is available I'm all ears.

My plan was to continue writing this after I've finished writing my Finnick Odair fic & I've only got a few chapters left of that to physically write. So if anyone wants to, feel free to pop on over to that book and give it a read, it's called Ethereal & it's on my profile now with regular updates every Monday, Wednesday & Friday.

But, yeah, Monsters is not discontinued. I will finish it, I promise. Until then, though, please be patient with me while I try and figure out a way to watch it. I haven't even been able to make a plan for this season to start writing off-script chapters.

Thanks for the continued support!

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