Chapter 112 - 『Yearning』

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"Shishu, are you sick?"

Cale couldn't help but spit out the water he's drinking in embarrassment, making Jin Ling narrowly avoid the attack and stop himself from getting drenched.

"What makes you say that, A-Ling?"

Jin Ling looks at him like he asked the most idiotic question he would say.

"Your ears are currently the same shade of your hair since yesterday, Shishu. You also looked like a tomato from time to time."

Cale wants to bury himself under the earth because of the shame he's currently feeling, the redness coming back to his face once again because of his nephew's words.

"Of course...he's sick..." Jin Zixuan says, earning a glare from the redhead.

"The shouldn't we call for Grandma to take a look at him?"

Oh dear, Jin Ling and his adorable worries. It's not that kind of sickness.

"No need...he is just...sickly in love."

Jin Zixuan stuck his tongue out teasingly before the redhead could utter a word. In return, he simply smacked the older at the back of his head.

"Don't teach him things like that."

As they continued to bicker, Jin Ling looked at them with a strange calmness in his face. It was not something that should be befitting of a six year old child.

Love, huh.

Little A-Ling guesses that it's different from the love he's receiving from Shishu and the rest of his family. It was more passionate, the one he sees in his Shishu's eyes, he could see an inexplicable emotion in his uncle's eyes.


He remembered that word vividly the moment he first heard it from Xingchen-xiansheng, seeing as it was a word that best suited the emotion he buried in his little heart.

...This thought is getting dangerous.

"Shishu shishu! A-die A-die! I want to go back to my room and take a look at Little Fairy!"

He should go, get away from them as soon as possible so that they won't worry needlessly.

"Is Do you want...A-die to carry you back?"

He should stop his father right now, it hurts his conscience, but his pride is more important.

Of course it is, he takes after his Jiang Cheng-jiujiu after all.

"No need, A-die! You can continue bickering with Shishu!"

Before the two old men could speak to him, Jin Ling started running away from them.

As he ran, the smile that was previously plastered on his face disappeared and it was changed to one akin to pain.

His little heart aches for something he couldn't describe. Something in him screams that his Uncle was about to get stolen from him if he didn't do anything about it.

He doesn't want to lose someone again. He already lost his two other uncles and his mother, he couldn't bear to have another of his family be taken away.

He could still vividly remember how the funeral went, that one particular snowing day where they buried their caskets and scattered their ashes were painfully engraved in his mind.

He remembered everything, his infant mind forced itself to remember everything that happened before and after the Siege.

It was his little secret, a secret that one simple mistake will result to be unraveled to the whole Lotus Pier.

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