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I looked around my small room in my mother's three bedroom house. This was the house I grew up in since the moment of birth, my whole childhood was spent in this house.

It was located in East Chicago, Indiana. We were surrounded by Hispanics( my mother, sister, and I) were the only blacks located on the block but my mom didn't mind.

My mother knocked on the frame of where my door should be, but there was no door.

"Yeah?" I asked.

She smiled "How was tour?"

I smiled a little looking down "It was fun and I was happy to spend time with Swae and Slim again!"

They actually met my mother before, once or twice in person. Trust and believe my mom wasn't letting me go anywhere with them without meeting them first.

"So have you and Swae ya know?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows making a smirking face at me.

My face scrunched up "Oh my gosh you sound like paparazzi. No we haven't mom!"

My mom just smiled "I like him he is right for you, you need ta tell him."

"Tell him what?"

She chuckled "You act as if I don't know you, you love that boy your just afraid to tell him."

I face palmed my mother knows me to well "Okay you caught me, but I'm not telling him. But can we talk about something else now?"

Mama grabbed my arm "Yes we can talk about something else, while we are talking we are going to walk down to Mrs. Gonzales's to grab a few tamales."

I smiled her tamales were so good, and since her and my mom were friends we always got free tamales from her restaurant.

So my mom and I walked down the street to the small restaurant and ordered our tamales. We took our seats at an empty table. "So meet any boys on your trip around the world?"

"Ma we didn't travel the world we just went through Europe. And yes I did his name is Nathaniel."

My mother bit into her fresh tamale and covered her mouth while she spoke "Oh have you been on any dates with him yet?"

I shook my head no while swallowing my Tamale "No but he wants to meet up with me tomorrow night."

My mother frowned "But your sister flies in tomorrow night."

I weakly smiled "I know Skylynn is flying in Tomorrow but I'll be sure to meet you at the airport to greet her ma."

My mother grabbed my hand "Okay now don't forget, I want us to both be there to greet her."

I yawned slightly "I will be there mother, but I'm quite tired from all the flying. Imma head home and go to sleep."

After I kissed my mom's cheek I grabbed my tamale box and headed out of the door. It was crazy coming back to my neighborhood after being gone for nearly a year. I smiled softly as a few kids were running around their yard playing tag.

When I reached the house I pulled out the key that I had and unlocked the door entering and closing and locking the door shut.

I went up to my room amd quickly changed into some Pj's and hopped into my bed. Just as I felt the sleepiness come over me my phone buzzed, I picked it up and I saw that I had a message from Nate.

Nate;) : Are we still on for tomorrow gorgeous?

NiqueTheGeek: Yes we are. We still hitting up Stoney Island?

Nate;) : Yes tomorrow at 5

NiqueTheGeek: See ya tomorrow then.

I shut my phone off and layed my head back down while flipping the pillow over to the cool side. I felt as if I was just introduced to a small piece of heaven. After staring at the ceiling for a nice 10 minutes my eyes became heavy and I drifted off into a long sleep.

This Could Be Us (Swae Lee)Where stories live. Discover now