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Ebony's P.O.V

I rubbed at my eyes it was nearly 1 a.m and someone was knocking at my door. A groan left my lips I threw my robe on and slipped my nike slides on.

I dragged my feet as I made it to my door I swung it open and Slim stood there with a dozen white roses in his hads. A small weak smile plastered on his face "Ebony I'm sorry."

"Slim leave me alone." I simply stated.

He pushed his way into my apartment "No I wont just leave you alone. Ebony your the first girl I've ever actually tried to settle down for. And yes I know it was a fail but I was drunk and I was being stupid. I'm sorry."

He looked down towards his feet "I'm truly sorry."

My eyes watered a little bit, I'm not the type of person to show emotion but I was forreal feeling Slim. "Aaquil I was for real vibin with you and you just fucked me over."

Slim sat the roses on the couch and shut my apartment door. He came over to me wrapping his arms around my waist "Ebony I know. And I've been beating myself up for some days over it. But it's not like we could ignore each other forever your best friend is my brother's girlfriend and she just so happens to be pregnant. So no matter what we were gonna see each other again so sooner or later I was gonna make it right. I just wanted to make it right sooner."

I looked down and he laid his forhead on mine "Please just, just give me another chance bunny."

A smile crossed my lips I only let like two people call me that. And one of those two people is Slim, I looked up at him directly in his eyes "Slim if you fuck this up there wont be any more chances."

Aaquil grinned while swinging me around and kissing my lips gently "I know!"

When he set me down he looked me deeply into my eyes "Will you be my girlfriend?"

I quickly nodded my head yes and wrapped my arms around Aaquil's neck. "I love you Aaquil."

"I love you to Ebony."

It was crazy it had only been 2 months since I met Aaquil. Its been almost a whole month since the whole Kacey incident, I've sorta been avoiding Nique because I knew she would be around Swae, which could of led to the possibility of seeing Slim. I know I know it was wrong, I've missed alot. My best friend is three months pregnant and when she most needed me I wasn't there for her.

As me and Slim went to go sit on the couch my phone started ringing.

"Hey Nique?"

She squealed a little "GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO ME!"

"What?" I asked sitting up a little.

"Swae just asked me to marry him!"

My mouth dropped "GIRL ARE YOU FOR REAL!?"

I could tell she was grinning widely over the phone. "Yes Yes Yes!"

"Wait why is he asking you this at 1 o'clock in the morning?" I asked hesitantly.

"Cuz we were out on a dinner date. We got home a little late cuz of the whole he asked me to marry him thing. "

I nodded my head as Jimmi tried to listen to our conversation. "Do you have any plans for the wedding?"

"Nahh I want to wait until the baby is born."

"Hmm Hmm..Well guess what?"

"What boo?"

A smirk passed my lips "Me and Jimmi is together."

A squeal left from her side of the phone "Bitch for real!? I never thought you was gonna forgive that nigga!"

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