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After sitting in the bathroom for hours I swung the door open. I looked down at my feet, Swae was sprawled out across the entrance of the bathroom.

I stepped over him and looked back in a disgusted manner. I cannot believe he put his hands on me! Just the thought of it brought tears to my eyes, I crawled into my bed while glancing at the clock next to me bed. It was 5 a.m.

As I got comfortable I closed my eyes and tried forcing myself not to relive what happened a few hours ago.

A stressed groan left my lips as I tried to get out all of the negative thoughts and think on the positive. Swae was drunk and not in the right state of mind, he also tried to fix it.

To a certain stand point I could give him a little leeway but on the other end it should be no excuses to put your hands on a female if she hasn't hit you first.

My eyes began to droop and soon I had fell asleep my mind emptied itself and finally had it's moment to relax.

When I had woke up it was 2 in the afternoon. I jumped up worried about Khalil but after I ran into his nursery and noticed he wasn't there I calmed down a little knowimg someone else probably had him.

Last night events replayed in my mind and I brought my fingers tips up to my cheek. I gently put pressure on it and I immediately felt a jolt of pain run across the spot on my face.

I walked out into the living room Swae sat there staring at absolutely nothing. He had Khalil in his arms feeding him.

As I entered the living room I guess he heard my feet and his head whipped towards me.

I wasn't for sure what to say and if I was to even say anything. To be honest I wasn't angered at the situation, I was just really hurt. I honestly felt betrayed.

Swae stood up and handed me Khalil no words leaving his mouth. He looked down at my cheek and raised his hand to run his fingers across it but hesitated and put down to his side again.


Swae looked down upon me a deep frown pressed into his face "I can- I cant believe I did that to you."

His eyes we dark, I searched for some type of emotion but received none at all. Khalil blew spit bubbles causing me to look down at him.

When I looked back up to Swae he was letting tears flow from his eyes. "Why are you crying?" I asked him.

"I swore to myself I'd never lay my hands on a female, because my dad used to beat on my mom time and time again. I promised myself I wouldn't let it happen but last night I shattered that." Swae said.

I've never personally seen him cry before and I know I was suppose to be the one being comforted but I couldn't help it. I was to nice and soft hearted to just stand there.

I wrapped one arm around him as the other held onto Khalil tightly. "Baby I'm so sorry." Swae cried into my chest.

I hushed him "I forgive you."

Swae wrapped his large arms around me while picking his head up from my chest.

He leaned in and kissed my swollen cheek, he then looked down. "I can't, I cant even look at it."

Swae pulled away from the hug and I went to sit on the couch proping my feet up on the coffee table.

A sigh escaped my lips as I rested my head back on the couch. "Khalif come take a seat."

Swae came over and sat pretty far away from me. "You know if you ever put your hands on me again I'm leaving you right?"

Swae just stared at me then slowly nodded his head "I know Omunique."

I nodded my head "You need to not ever get drunk like that ever again. It's okay to party but if you getting drunk to where your not even in the right state of mind thats just not cool."

"I can honestly say I don't know what the hell was wrong with me last night. I've never been so drunk where I couldn't handle myself. I didn't even drink that much last night."

I nodded my head "Spiked drink?"

"Mabey so."

Then another question popped into my head disregarding this situation "When did Kacey leave?"

He shrugged "Ion know and I don't care I'm glad she is gone. She seemed like cool peoples but then she started causing to many damn problems. And we all know that we don't need problems."


I got myself a little more comfortable in the couch. My stomach fluttered a little and reminded me of something, something that was very important.

Should I tell him now?

It seemed as if it wasn't a good time, but we are having a little moment so might as well.


His head popped up from his little nap he was trying to take "Yeah?"

"I-I- I'm pregnant."

Swae's head snapped towards my direction and he had this shocked surprised look "Are you foreal?"

My face straightened out "Nah I'm for fake."

"Omunique how do you know? When did you find out?" He asked.

I fiddled with my fingers and Khalil pulled at my shirt "Um remember a few days ago when I had to run 'errands' I really went to the doctor. That's when I found out that I was pregnant."

"Why you just now telling me?"

A sigh escaped my lips "Because I'm not for sure how I feel about it yet. Of course I want my own kid but I'm not ready for another one righr now."

Swae grabbed my hand scooting closer to me "Your not aborting our baby are you?" Swae asked quickly.

I shook my head no vigorously "Hell no! I'm not for abortion or adoption. So I know I'm going to have this baby but before I told you I just wanted to make sure that I was ready to have this baby myself."

Swae picked me up gently as if he were afraid to break me and sat me in his lap. I laged my head back against his shoulder as he whispered into my ear. "This right here is my family. I wont let anything happen to you all. I- I'm never gonna hurt you ever again Nique and I swaer that to my life. You, Khalil, and this baby will be safe and happy. So you are ready trust me."

A smile left my lips, Khalil was now sleep and Swae's hand rested on my stomach.

This is my family, and yes we weren't perfect. Who is? I know we have our problems and they come quite often but we get threw them everytime.

This is my family our little family.


Hey my lovelies I'm just letting you all know if you haven't received the message I have started another book. No not the new Sci-Fi book its another one. Its a realistic book for the readers who arent into the Sci-Fi thing.

The book is called One Two Many?
So if you want go to my profile and check it out.

Thank you! Stay SremmLife!!

This Could Be Us (Swae Lee)Where stories live. Discover now