Return to the Turnabout, Part 5 (Aria) FINAL

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I gasped and looked up to Ashi. She had seen it, too. A single glance shared between best friends could say millions. 

"Lucas!" I hissed, tapping him on the shoulder. "Did you see that?!"

He nodded. "Yeah. That must be the murder weapon!" Lucas slammed his hands on the desk. "Your Honor! I have found evidence that this witness is the murderer!"

"What is it, Mr. Red?! It had better be evidence this time!" the judge exclaimed.

"Mr. Gam! Empty your pockets! This is important!" Lucas shouted. 

Bal tossed the now inflated ball back and forth between his hands. "I have no idea what you mean!"

"There is something metallic in your right pocket! The defense demands that you empty your pockets so that we can ensure your innocence!" Averl yelled. She had caught on as well, I guess. With her observant skills, I should have seen that coming.

"What is in the witness' pocket?!" Hana asked.

"I saw metal inside the witness' pocket. Remember how the murder weapon was never found? What if the real killer and this witness took it with him so that people couldn't use it against him!!" Lucas exclaimed. "But instead of saving him, the gun just brought about his downfall!"

Bal threw his ball up in the air...really high. When it came down, he punched it and it popped. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a gun. "Are you happy now!? And I did kill Gyn for the exact reasons you say: I overheard her on the phone talking about helping out the spy! I'm actually a spy for another group and I was supposed to watch out for the group's enemy to make sure they didn't pull something!"

"So you killed her in the gym when the victim came in to prepare for graduation?" Lucas asked.

Bal nodded. "I had to get rid of that spy and their accomplices before they did something to stop my group! I shot her without realizing that Aria was in there. She had just finished cleaning up the green paint that she had spilled. When she heard the gunshot, Aria fell to the ground in fear, shivering. I figured that I could use this as a chance to call the police to pin the crime on her! I shot one more bullet to keep her trembling while I called the police. They showed up and arrested her like I had hoped they would."

"So you framed her just because she was there?" Hana questioned.

"Exactly. If somebody else, say Clarith, were there, I would have done the same to her," Bal smiled. "It's rather simple, actually."

Bailiffs crowded around Bal and arrested him. I felt a small pang of guilt at thinking that yet another crime had occurred because of some stupid idea I came up with three years ago. I began tugging on my wrist let. I'd have to buy another one and made sure it stayed white this time. No tripping and getting your scar cover up stained with jade green paint, Aria. That did no good to anybody.

"In light of all of this information, I am ready to pronounce my verdict. This court hereby finds the defendant, Aria Claris, not guilty. Court is adjourned!" The judge slammed his gavel down, and this trial that nearly ruined my life was finally over.

Just because I like writing danger and adventure doesn't mean I want it. I know that for sure now.

//June 19, 2028. Defendant Lobby No. 4, 1:38 PM//

"Congratulations on your not guilty verdict, Aria!" Averl smiled. 

"Thank you two," I said, bowing my head slightly to Averl and Lucas. 

"I'm glad you're okay, Aria!" Ashi exclaimed. 

Clarith walked up to us next, looking at the ground. "I'm sorry for testifying against you, Aria," she apologized. 

"It's okay. You didn't know the truth, Clarith," I smiled. 

"You sure?" she asked.

I nodded. "It's perfectly fine."

Clarith smiled in relief. She and Ashi waved before walking away. I turned back to Lucas and Averl. "Alright, which one of you scared them away?" I joked. 

Averl shook her head. "I didn't do anything. Lucas?"

Lucas turned to Averl seriously. I knew what he was pulling. This is what happens when the bailiff cuts in and you don't get to finish your conversation. "I have something to talk about with Aria. Could you give us a moment?"

Averl nodded and walked away. I felt bad for her. She's always been cut out of the loop, ever since she was hired. One day, I'll tell her. That will clear up at least one thing on my conscience. 

"What is it, Lucas?" I asked.

"You can drop the act already...Chrysalis," Lucas said.

I sighed. "I was hoping you wouldn't figure it out."

"Why didn't you ask one of us? It was your Ashi friend who ended up giving me a call," Lucas told me.

"I didn't want to get you guys involved. The last time that something bad happened to me, I saw my brother. He went into mental breakdown mode. I don't like putting him through that," I explained.

"Speaking of which, how did you manage to get by without him finding out?" Lucas questioned.

"I called him with my one call and said that I was spending the night with Yuri, who's out of town. I'll explain it all to him when I get home so that Niamh doesn't blow my cover," I said. "And also, how did you figure out it was me?"

"You kept calling Averl and I by our first names, which most clients only do if they know us personally. And second of all, that wrist piece. You've been wearing it ever since the poisoning case," Lucas answered. "When the UCA gave you that scar...."

I nodded. "Yeah. I've been wearing it because if somebody sees my scar, they'll know about me. My secret, which was murder motive again." 

"Murder motive or not, let's get you home. Your brother's probably worried out of his mind," Lucas suggested.

I nodded. "Yeah. He probably is."

And with that, I walked out of the courthouse, Lucas by my side. Averl joined us right before we left. But something was bothering me....

How did Bal know to spy on the school where I was pretending to be a forensic science student?


Oh yay.

I finished a turnabout in one day.

How is that possible?

I don't even know.

I've been extra anxious because I find out what part I'm playing in the play I'm in tomorrow and I'm trying to distract myself. Typing is the perfect distraction. And it's less annoying than the niece and nephew pestering you to play Smash Bros with you.

Anyways, Digital is out! If you want info about the next case, go to the first part. 



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