The Falsified Turnabout, Part 3 (Anton)

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//July 15, 2028. Defendant Lobby No. 7, 9:39 AM//

"So, you ready for the trial?" Yuri asked, holding her hands in a fighting stance. "I'm ready to knock out whatever testimony is up against us!"

"All we really did yesterday was hear a little bit about the crime and chase Ms. Anderson around the prison for some unknown reason," Ms. Tenniswood sighed. 

"Either way, I've got a good feeling about this case!" Yuri exclaimed as Ms. Galle walked over to the duo. "Hey, Ms. Galle!"

"I just wanted to thank you for all you're doing for me," Ms. Galle told them. "Really. It means a lot to me."

"Good luck to you guys in the trial today," Mr. Annasc said, walking closer. "I know you'll do great."

"Thank you, H.T. At least somebody believes in us!" Yuri smiled. 

"Let's get ready to go into the courtroom now," Ms. Tenniswood suggested. Yuri nodded in agreement.

//July 15, 2028. Prosecution Lobby No. 7, 9:47 AM//

"Hey, Anton!"

I turned from where I stood next to Polly to see Chrysalis walking over to me. "C-Chrysalis!" I smiled. I walked over to her, thinking that Polly was a) too busy with her case files to notice and b) that I should at least say 'hi' to Chrysalis.

Chrysalis stopped next to me, a grin across her face. "So, you ready to go on into the trial?" she asked.

I nodded. "I-I think so. B-but, shouldn't you be w-with your coworkers?"

"Can't I just come and see my boyfriend?" Chrysalis questioned, shooting me half-pleading eyes.

"W-well, yes, but it seems a b-bit odd.... You d-don't come into h-here very often," I commented. 

"Okay. Fine. Somebody in the defense lobby startled me. But that's not important," Chrysalis confessed. 

"Who was i-it?" I asked.

"I know this is going to sound really crazy, like reeeeeeeeeeally crazy, but it's-"

"Prosecution! Please proceed to the courtroom now!" a bailiff yelled, conveniently interrupting Chrysalis. This just isn't my day, is it? I can already tell.

"Looks like we'll have to save this for another time," Chrysalis told me.

I nodded. "I guess s-so. I'll see you l-later."

//July 14, 2028. Courtroom No. 7, 10:00 AM//

"Court is now in session for the trial of Kira Galle," the judge announced. "Are the defense and prosecution ready?"

"The defense is ready," Ms. Tenniswood said.

"The prosecution is also ready, Your Honor," Polly continued from beside me. 

"Good," the judge nodded. "Prosecutor Bloom, please deliver your opening statement.

Polly nodded. "The crime took place yesterday at the local prison. A prisoner by the name of Harry Galle was poisoned with atroquinine and died in his cell. Shortly before his death, he was with three people, Kira Galle, the defendant, Lassie Sinn, and Harry Doyle. There was one additional person present when the victim actually died, a witness known as Erin Anderson. Out of all four of these people, the defendant was the only one with a clear motive, so she was arrested."

"If I may," Ms. Tenniswood began. "What is said motive?"

"Two or three years ago, Ms. Galle was accused of murdering a friend of hers. The culprit was her older brother, so this could have been revenge," Polly answered. 

Ace Attorney: Secrets Beneath SecretsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora