Turnabout Betrayal, Part 7 (Jay)

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//August 31, 2028. Defendant Lobby No. 1, 9:47 AM//

Ms. Shield walked into the defendant lobby. She looked around, trying to find me. Having caught on, I waved my arm to catch her attention. Ms. Shield noticed and dashed up towards me. "You seen Chrysalis anywhere?" Ms. Shield asked as she slid to a stop next to me.

I shook my head in reply. "No. She was already out when Sora woke up. I haven't seen her since she helped Prosecutor Bloom clean up the office, believe it or not."

"That's weird. I knew today was doing something to her psychologically, but I didn't expect this," Ms. Shield whispered, shaking her head.

"Shield! Yang!"

I turned to see Ms. Taikan walking towards us. She wore her hair differently today. Her light blue hair was normal, but her darker blue streaks formed a crown on her head. Ms. Taikan's brown hair was down. I wonder what happened to the bun I saw her with from the spirit world yesterday. Her eyes widened and she coughed, clearing her throat. "Ms. Shield. Mr. Yang."

"Hi, Ms. Taikan!" Ms. Shield grinned. "I promise that we'll get you a not guilty verdict today!"

Ms. Taikan nodded. "I'll be counting on it."

"Quite literally," I laughed, attempting to be humorous. Neither girl laughed, so I merely cleared my throat in an attempt to change the subject. "My bad."

"Either way, let's go on in there and prove your innocence, Ms. Taikan!" Ms. Shield smiled.

"Defense! Defendant! Please proceed to the courtroom!" a bailiff announced.

I looked at Ms. Shield and Ms. Taikan, who both nodded my direction before walking into the courtroom.

//August 31, 2028. Courtroom No. 1, 10:00 AM//

"Court is now in session for the trial of Aoi Taikan. Are the defense and prosecution ready?" the judge asked.

Ms. Shield nodded. "My Shield of Justice is ready to do battle, My Lord!"

"The prosecution is ready," Prosecutor Moody said.

"Very good. Your opening statement, Prosecutor Moody?" the judge questioned.

The prosecutor nodded. "Alright. The crime took place two days ago outside the local prison. The defendant was found unconscious near the bodies of Lassie Sinn and Shiram Lion, criminals from the prison. One other was found at the scene, but he was ruled unable to commit the crime. With all of this evidence and witness testimony, the prosecution has intentions on proving the defendant guilty of this heinous crime."

"Your first witness, prosecutor?" the judge asked.

"I call Abbie Mills to the witness stand to testify about the crime details!" Prosecutor Moody shouted.

Detective Mills made her way to the witness stand. "My name is Abbie Mills. I'm a detective."

"Did I ask for a name and occupation?!" Prosecutor Moody roared.

"You were going to need one in a moment," Detective Mills told her.

Prosecutor Moody sighed and shook her head. "Just testify on details about the case."


-Two days ago, a double murder occurred outside the local prison.

-The victims were stabbed or shot in the head for a cause of death.

-There were glove prints on both murder weapons that matched the size of the defendant's fingerprints.

-The only other candidate at the crime scene, Anton Burke, was attacked before the stabbing and shooting occurred.

-This is all proof that the defendant is guilty!

"That's all," Detective Mills finished.

"See any contradictions?" I asked Ms. Shield.

"I found one, but I'm not sure what effect it will have on our case," Ms. Shield replied.

"Does it have to do with our new evidence?" I questioned.

Ms. Shield nodded. "Actually, yes. I think that those gloves will do us a little bit of help here after all."

"Ms. Shield, your cross-examination, if you please," the judge told her.

Ms. Shield nodded once again. "I'm on it, My Lord!"


-Two days ago, a double murder occurred outside the local prison.

-The victims were stabbed or shot in the head for a cause of death.

-There were glove prints on both murder weapons that matched the size of the defendant's fingerprints.


"Were said gloves found at the crime scene?" Ms. Shield asked.

Detective Mills nodded. "Yes. They were found near where the defendant was unconscious at the crime scene."

"Did they have her fingerprints on them?" Ms. Shield questioned.

Detective Mills shook her head. "The gloves, oddly enough, had deceased Tora Yin's fingerprints on them."

"Please add that to your testimony!" Ms. Shield exclaimed.

-The gloves had Tora Yin's prints on them, oddly enough.


Ms. Shield smirked. "I have a proposition for the court."

"What is it, Ms. Shield?" the judge asked.

"The witness just stated that Tora Yin's fingerprints were found in the gloves. The defendant is also a spirit medium. What if..." Ms. Shield finger pointed at Detective Mills. "The defendant was channeling the victim at the time of the crime?!"

"Explain yourself!" the judge thundered before the gallery gossipers could begin...their gallery gossiping.

"It's simple. Prints the size of the defendant's but the actual prints of Tora Yin were found in the gloves. The defendant could have channeled Tora Yin during the crime, and this deceased spirit could have committed the crime!" Ms. Shield announced. This made the gallery gossipers begin chatting.

"What do you think of this, Prosecutor Moody?!" the judge asked, shutting up the people that had been talking. I guess that he was so on the edge of his seat that he didn't want to take the time to yell 'order in the court.'

"I think that I'm ready to call my next witness," Prosecutor Moody answered.

"We forgot to investigate witnesses yesterday!" Ms. Shield gasped.

I frowned. "I'm hoping that cross-examining her won't be too difficult." I guess that the dreaded moment was here.

"'Her?'" Ms. Shield questioned. I gulped. You just had to slip up, didn't you, Yang?! "Do you know who the witness is?"

I turned away and sunk into my scarf. "And if I do...?"

Luckily, the judge cut me off. He nodded to Prosecutor Moody. "You may call your witness, Prosecutor Moody."

Prosecutor Moody moved her head to signal Detective Mills off of the stand. The detective did as was expected of her. "The prosecution wishes to call Chrysalis Starr to the witness stand!"


Meh my plot twists are so transparent omg-

I feel like I made that a tad bit too obvious. Oh well. No changing the past.

I feel like there was something to say here. But me being me, I forgot it.



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