Turnabout Betrayal, Part 19 (Jay)

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//September 1, 2028. Defendant Lobby No. 1, 1:32 PM//

Ms. Starr and Ms. Shield hugged immediately after the trial was out. "We did it!" Ms. Starr exclaimed.

"I can't believe that the culprits were H.T. and Tora of all people, though," Ms. Shield said. "I didn't see it coming."

"I admit that I didn't expect the defendant's channeled spirit to be the one who shot one of the victims," I agreed.

"Not seeing anything about that trial coming aside, I'm so happy that nightmare is finally over. I could do without that whole mess happening again, or at all," Ms. Starr told us, a smile on her face. "I'll admit that when H.T. was talking with the UCA, I was scared out of my mind."

"I was, too. Just hearing those three letters sends a shiver down my spine," Ms. Shield confessed, shivering slightly. "What about we just don't bring them up anymore?"

I nodded in agreement. "I am with you on that, 100%."

"Sacred Lily? Sacred Chrysalis?"

We all turned to see Ms. Taikan walking towards us, her hair back in its typical bun. "What happened while I was out? I think it's been a few days..." she told us.

"I plead the fifth," Ms. Starr told her, eyes wide. "Don't make me go over that."

"Could somebody here give me any information at all?" Ms. Taikan questioned.

I nodded. "I'll do it quickly: you were channeling Tora Yin, one of the two real killers. She confessed and you got a not guilty."

"W-what?!" Ms. Taikan stammered. "I-I had no idea that I was channeling a murderer!"

"It's not your fault. A life was on the line, after all," Ms. Starr assured her. Her eyes seemed to be expressing pain.

"Is something amiss?" I asked.

"Nope! Nothing at all!" Ms. Starr forced a false smile. "Next topic!"

I sighed. There was just no reasoning with her at this point in time. "Shall we go out for lunch?" I suggested.

"My stomach is ready for a little bit of action!" Ms. Shield grinned.

"Why are we standing here, then? There's food to be devoured!" Ms. Starr winked.

"W-would it be okay if I came with you?" Ms. Taikan questioned shyly.

I nodded. "You deserve it."

"But just one question," Ms. Taikan began.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Who are you?" The brunette toyed with her Magatama. "I don't believe we have ever met."

"My name is Jay Yang. I am a defense attorney, well, former defense attorney. I am being channeled by Sora Lin at this point in time," I introduced, bowing to Ms. Taikan. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

"Aoi Taikan, spirit medium. It's nice to meet you as well, Mr. Yang," Ms. Taikan said, bowing her head slightly my direction.

"Are we ready to go?" Ms. Shield questioned.

"Yes!" Ms. Starr exclaimed. She then paused and snapped. "Actually, I think I'll have to pass up the offer this time. I have a little bit of business to take care of." The honey blonde smiled and dashed for the courthouse doors.

"Chrysalis!" Ms. Shield exclaimed. "What do you mean?" She chased Ms. Starr, almost ramming into her when the latter slid to a halt and turned to face us.

"I think I figured out how to bring Anton's memories back!" Ms. Starr grinned. "I'm heading to the agency, but then I'll be heading to the hospital! See you guys around!"

Ms. Starr then bolted from the lobby, her hair flying behind her as she ran. "Hang on, Anton. I'm coming," she whispered as she ran. My host's sister disappeared around the corner.

"Where to?" Ms. Taikan questioned.

"We'll figure that out soon enough. But as of right now, to the car!" Ms. Shield smiled, pointing upwards with that sort of 'turnabout spirit' you'd expect from somebody of her profession.

//September 1, 2028. ???, ???//

"The trial's over. The UCA's spy has been caught."

"I know. That's most certainly a good thing."

"What about the other one? The other suspect?"

"I hid out in the courtroom. I know for sure that it's one of them at that agency."

"That's also a good thing. How soon until we get rid of them for good?"

"Soon. Within a year or so."

"How soon until we make our move against that agency?"

"It won't be too long. They're hurting the legal world will end soon. Now that we have located the suspect, the weak link, everything will collapse soon enough. Are you done with your questions now? I have business to attend to."

"Y-yes, sir."

"Then go. I cannot plot the tearing apart of a tightly knit group with you pestering me."

"Alright, sir. Mr...?"

"...Are you asking my name? If so, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave right now. Such information remains my own."

"Indeed, sir!"

"That man... If only he knew..."

The lonely person in the dark room crossed the area and picked up a small picture frame. Inside, a woman with dark brown, black, and pink hair held a little girl with black and white hair, only one year old. Two other girls, one with white and black hair as well, and the other with pink and dark brown hair, were in the photo as well. The girl with white and black hair was being held by a white haired man. The final, brown and pink haired girl, stood in front, a smile on her face. All of them faced the camera with a happy expression.

"What I'd give to go back to those days... Before I left, before the mess..."

The person turned to a few other newspaper clippings. The papers detailed murders. The person growled at seeing them and set down the picture swiftly and angrily. They walked back to their swivel chair and took a seat, picking up a smaller picture of our heroes of the Morix Law Office. The figure crumpled up the paper and launched it across the room, still growling threateningly.

"You'd better watch out, Morix. I'm coming for you. You have something of mine. And I'll be wanting it back."


Haha I'm referencing Runaway Killers with the ending.

The next part is very emotional and after that is the epilogue! Ah! How are we almost done already?!

I have no idea, but I hope you'll stick around for the end of our tale!


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