Turnabout Wilds, Part 1 (Lily)

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"Welcome to the bird cages of our zoo. We have many exotic species gathered here."

"It's about time that you left my spotlight alone."


An arrow struck a woman's neck and she fell to the ground. A smirk played across the lips of a person who sat in the shadows of tree leaves.

"What?! How could you have hidden this from me?!"

"I could say the same thing to you! Why didn't you tell me about this!? That I...that we...had a sister?!"

"Stop arguing, you two! There's no point in it!"

"You hid just as much from me! Why didn't you tell me that you were arrested?!"

"I just couldn't! I saw you last year!"

"Excuse me...? Is this Morix Law Offices...?"

"Why do I feel like I've met this man before...?"

//June 22, 2028. Morix Law Offices, 9:07 AM//

I walked into the agency as quietly as I could. "Chrysalis? Mr. Morix? Anybody here?" I asked the empty air.

As I closed the door behind me, Chrysalis dashed up to me. "Lily! It's about time you got here!" she exclaimed, shooting me a large grin.

"Sorry I'm late," I apologized, following Chrysalis to the couch in the main room of the agency before taking a seat. "My brother held me up."

"Don't worry about it," Yuri told me. She had gotten back from her trip out of town yesterday and was getting back into the whole 'working' routine again.

"So, you said that we were supposed to be getting a new coworker yesterday and that they were coming in today. When are we going to meet them?" Lucas asked.

"That's why I called you all in for a meeting," Mr. Morix answered. "I want to introduce you to a few people. One of them will be your coworker and the other you'll probably see around the agency a little bit."

"You ready for us, Cotoli?"

A pair of people walked into the agency. One was a girl with pink streaks through her aqua hair. Her bangs were yellow. She wore a translucent white shirt that read 'PEACE' over a black tank top. She had aqua jeans that faded to pink at the bottom. 

The other person had bleach blonde hair and wore a light blue suit. He had a red tie on and blue eyes. This person had a smirk across their lips. I could feel my heart fluttering. Niamh rolled her eyes, most likely having noticed my excitement. What?! He was hot!

"I am H.T. Annasc. I will be your new coworker," the man said, flipping his hair to the side fabulously. Niamh groaned slightly. Yuri looked love struck and Chrysalis just looked lost in thought. Lucas was in a similar condition, not making eye contact with anybody. Mr. Morix just looked...like he normally did: serious, collected, et cetera.

The girl stepped forward and shot everybody a peppy smile. "I'm Prosecutor Sora Lin. Chances are that you guys will see me around here a while."

"What motivated you to hire somebody else?" Niamh asked.

"H.T. here has the ability to get criminals to confess," Mr. Morix answered. He shot a glance at Chrysalis here, who just tugged on her sweater sleeve. I wonder what goes on in the minds of those two....

"What about Prosecutor Lin?" Yuri questioned. "This is a law office."

I gasped as the air around Mr. Morix went black. Psyche-Locks appeared around him, four, to be specific. They were a dark red color. I had never seen those before. Were they a mix of black and red Psyche-Locks? If so, how did that make sense?

I looked around the room. Prosecutor Lin had the same Psyche-Locks as Mr. Morix. H.T. had five red Psyche-Locks and Chrysalis had four of the same color. What kind of link did this imply?

"...It's a long story," Mr. Morix answered simply. Yuri and Niamh shared a knowing glance. Lucas did the same to Chrysalis and I.

My partner looked at the ground in silence. "To put it nicely...." she muttered, closing her eyes.

Prosecutor Lin clapped. "If my-erm, Cotoli, would stop being so cryptic, I believe that there's work to be done." She slipped up...what does that mean? I've been here for fifteen minutes and things are already weird!

I heard a knock at the door. Chrysalis stood and walked for the door. "I got it," she called. She opened the door to show a girl.

The girl had short yellow hair and wore a light orange scarf. She had a navy blue shirt on with pants of the same color. "Um, this is Morix Law Office, correct?"

Chrysalis nodded. "Yes. Come on in."

The girl walked in and gave Chrysalis a nod. I met her blue eyes. "Um, I have a question...."

"What is it?" Niamh asked, standing.

"Could you defend my boyfriend?! A murder occurred at the place that we worked and he was arrested for the crime!" the girl exclaimed.

"Okay, back up a little bit. Who are you and where do you work?" Lucas questioned.

"I'm Cana Ree. I work at the local zoo," the girl answered. "My boyfriend, Sean Sparrow, was arrested for the murder of our coworkers, Raven Crow. Could one of you please defend him? I hear you guys are some of the best lawyers in town."

"Sure! Lily? You in?" Chrysalis asked.

I nodded. "Sure. We can defend him."

Ms. Ree smiled. "Thank you so much! I just know that he's innocent! There's no way that he would kill Raven!"

"Here, we believe that all of our clients are innocent. We will fight for that innocence with everything that we have," Mr. Morix told her. "You have nothing to worry about, Ms. Ree."

"Thank you all so much. I couldn't thank you enough," Ms. Ree grinned.

"Well, you ready to head on down to the detention center, Lily?" Chrysalis asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm ready when you are."

With a new case having come up, I forgot all about Psyche-Locks and weird colors over peoples' hearts. There wasn't any time to worry about that now. After all, there were some people out there who need us. And they're going to get the help they need.


Guess who doesn't know how to handle this turnabout? Eheheh.... The next case is all planned out in my mind, but this one is just there.

It's vurry imperternt though. You'll see why later.

And to those of you who think they can guess they plot twists, I have one thing to say to you:



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