Turnabout Wilds, Part 4 (Deirdre)

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-The crime took place at the Amura Zoo.

-During a tour, the victim, leader of the tour, was shot in the neck with an arrow.

-The bow that fired the deadly arrow was found in the bushes.

-The bow had the defendant's fingerprints on it, decisive proof of the defendant's guilt.

"That is all," Detective Mills finished.

The judge nodded. "Very well, then. Ms. Shield? Your cross-examination?"

Shield nodded from across the courtroom. "Alright. I'm ready."

"You going to use our secret weapon?" Ms. Starr asked from next to Shield. I didn't like the sound of this 'secret weapon,' truthfully.

Shield nodded. "Yes. I'm not sure where this contradiction will take us, but we might as well see."


-The crime took place at the Amura Zoo.

-During a tour, the victim, leader of the tour, was shot in the neck with an arrow.

-The bow that fired the deadly arrow was found in the bushes.

-The bow had the defendant's fingerprints on it, decisive proof of the defendant's guilt.


Shield smirked and tossed some of her hair over her shoulder. "That is where you are wrong, Detective Mills."

"What do you mean?" Detective Mills asked in confusion.

"I mean that the bow having the defendant's fingerprints on it is nowhere near decisive," Shield replied.

"Shield! What in the world do you mean?!" I exclaimed.

"Before I explain this, I have a quick question," Shield said. "Were any fingerprints found on the arrow that was lodged in the victim's neck?"

Detective Mills shook her head. "Why?"

"Think about it like this: when one shoots an arrow, what do they have to do first?" Shield asked.

"Put the arrow on the bow, obviously," Ms. Starr continued.

"And wouldn't that get his fingerprints on the arrow? But if you would recall, no fingerprints were found on the arrow!" Shield exclaimed.

The people in the gallery began buzzing like flies. I groaned. How talkative could these fools be?

The judge slammed his gavel down. "Order in the court!"

"The defendant could have worn gloves!" I fired back. "This contradiction means nothing, if you can even call it that!"


"In that case, why are my client's fingerprints on the bow?!" Shield shouted in return.

I grabbed a chunk of my hair and started pulling. I bet that my hair streaks were red in anger. I can't believe I'd overlooked that!

The judge hit his gavel on the desk in front of him. "Ms. Shield! What does this contradiction mean!?"

Ms. Starr grinned. "And the secret weapon is revealed!"

"This contradiction means that the real killer was trying to frame my client for this heinous crime!" Shield yelled.

The people in the gallery began to chatter. Again, the gossipers just need to save their talk for later!

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