The Doubled Turnabout, Part 8 (Averl)

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//July 18, 2028. Defendant Lobby No. 5, 9:32 AM//

Upon entering the defendant lobby, I was greeted by Chrysalis and Sora. "Here are those test results from yesterday. Hopefully they'll help with cornering the culprit, or as we know her-"

"No spoilers! Please!" Lucas exclaimed, walking up to us.

Chrysalis sighed. "You're right. I shouldn't spoil things for all of our lovely readers out there."

Sora shot me a face that would usually be accompanied by a sweat drop if this were an anime. "I'm confused. Like, more so than I usually am around you."

"Uh...." I started, feeling semi awkward-...make that fully awkward-at this development.

"Confusing you guys or not, here are the papers from the test. It has blood and fingerprint tests inside of it. Gosh, being close with Polly is perfect sometimes when it comes to cases!" Chrysalis grinned, winking Sora's direction, who shook her head. "Speaking of knowing people through romance, I heard that a certain prosecutor came to visit you yesterday~"

Sora blushed and looked at the ground. "Nevada/Niamh/Nalani/Nicoletta/Nova was with him, so it wasn't really romantic. You read too much into a simple gesture, Chrysalis."

"It wasn't just a simple gesture to be nice to a coworker, and you know that! If even Nevada is being sweet to you like that, same way she is to Ghastly, then this means something! And remember, Nevada is heartless!" Chrysalis laughed.

"Shut it, please. I'm begging you. We are in public right now. This is not the time to be messing with me," Sora said, face red. "Bailiff, I'm begging you. Call us into the trial. Now."

"Oh yeah! Speaking of the trial, I have a present for you," Chrysalis grinned. She handed Sora a towel. I looked at Lucas in confusion, who shrugged, just as lost as I was.

"A towel?" Sora asked in confusion.

"Nevada is kept quiet by stuffing her face with towels all the time! If you feel Tora coming on, just stuff that in your mouth!" Chrysalis chirped.

"I'm just going to do this now," Sora told her slowly. She looked at the towel, took it from Chrysalis, and then stuffed the towel in her mouth. She gave Lucas and I a smile, her cheeks filled entirely by the towel. I face palmed and shook my head. What is wrong with my coworkers?

"I don't know how to respond to that," Lucas said, eyes wide with shock. "And what's all this talk about Nevada and towels?"

"Oh yeah! Well, there's this joke about Sora and Ghastly adopting the Wood Quintet! Don't get it? ...Uh, I don't know what to do to help with that," Chrysalis replied. "I'll figure something out. Author senpais can explain it later. They can explain things better than I can."

"And I thought I was confused before," I sighed.

"That's how this agency works: you're confused as heck, and then things get even more confusing. I don't know how I live like this," Lucas told me, shaking his head.

"HUSH! You have to deal with us! Author senpai said!" Chrysalis exclaimed, crossing her arms.

"Can we go into court now? I'll be less confused in a murder trial than I will be out here with all of this towel talk," I said. "Next thing you know, we'll be thinking with portals."

"Grate like cheese idea, Averl!" Chrysalis grinned. "That sounds like a lot of fun!"

"What goes on in her head?" I asked Lucas.

"My brain is Insanity Land The Amusement Park. We don't question it. Questioning only makes things worse for us all. Niamh might explode if we try and understand it. Author senpai said it's happened before," Chrysalis smiled.

"Defense! Defendant! Court will no reconvene!" the nearby bailiff shouted.

"Thank gosh," I sighed. "I don't know how much more of that I can take."

"I'm not sure, either. So let's go and get a not guilty verdict for Sora!" Lucas exclaimed. We turned to face Sora, who's mouth was still occupied by the towel. She gave us a thumbs up, unable to form words around the fabric of the towel.

"Normal lawyers do good things before court. We pester people about odd things, so we're unprepared to go into the trial," I pointed out. "We also do whatever that was."

"Don't question it and just go do your defending already," Chrysalis said, pushing Lucas and I through the courtroom doors.

//July 18, 2028. Courtroom No. 5, 10:00 AM//

The judge slammed his gavel down on his bench thing. "Court is back in session for the trial of Sora Lin. Are the defense and prosecution ready?"

"The defense is ready," Lucas announced from beside me.

"Same here," Prosecutor Bullgard nodded, holding her trademark red fabric from the other side of the court.

"Very good. I have been told the prosecution has a witness that they wish to call," the judge said, facing Prosecutor Bullgard expectantly.

The prosecutor nodded. "Yes. I wish to call Lassie Sinn to the witness stand!"

Ms. Sinn walked up to the witness stand silently. A warm, but probably fake, smile was on her face.

"Witness. State your name and occupation for the court now," Prosecutor Bullgard commanded.

"Lassie Sinn. I am currently unemployed," Ms. Sinn answered. "My current job is witness to the crime, I suppose."

"Would you please testify about what you saw the day of the crime?" Prosecutor Bullgard asked.

Ms. Sinn nodded. "Alright."


-I was in the courthouse to watch a trial that day.

-I walked past the prosecution lobby, but I was pulled inside and tied up!

-I was forced to watch Matt get stabbed to death!

-The culprit hit me on the head, and I started bleeding slightly.

-The one who I saw was none other than the defendant! She's drop dead guilty!

"That's all I saw," Ms. Sinn finished.

"I'm thankful that we got those test results so that we can shoot down what she says," Lucas smiled to me.

"Maybe that whacked up conversation had a little bit of meaning after all," I nodded.

"Mr. Red, your cross-examination?" the judge asked.

"On it, Your Honor," Lucas answered.


I apologize for not updating for a few days. I haven't had the motivation to, really, since I got a rude comment recently. I deleted it and such, but it still hurts a girl, you know?

And this chapter is so ridiculous I don't even know where to begin.

The Ghastra is undeniable.

And I ship Nevada x Towel really hard if you can't tell XD

For those who are confused about what happened with the paradox twins jokes and the Wood Quintet:

Niamh Wood has four other identities: Nevada, Nalani, Nicoletta, and Nova. They are all the same person, just different personalities and such. And they're all Niamh Tenniswood's paradox twin.

Now that that's out of the way....



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