The Doubled Turnabout, Part 3 (Averl)

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//July 17, 2028. Defendant Lobby No. 5, 9:35 AM//

"Let us just agree on one thing," Lucas whispered to me as we entered the defendant lobby. "Don't talk to Tora."

I nodded. "Agreed."

But 'lucky' enough for us, Tora walked up to us. Her hair was in ponytails. "Uh, what exactly happened yesterday...? I don't remember...."

"Thank gosh!" 

Chrysalis ran up to Tora (who I supposed was Sora again, judging by the change of hair and, why is this so confusing?) and hugged her. "Tora took over again, didn't she?"

Sora nodded. "Yesh. Looking to the fact that I don't remember even the slightest thing from yesterday other than finding the body, I guess that she did."

Chrysalis' eyes widened. "N-nothing?!"

Sora shook her head. "Nothing."

"That means that...that woman...!" Chrysalis backed away in silence, eyes still wide.

"Okay, would somebody tell us what's going on here?" I asked, feeling my heart pound in my chest, fearful.

"Tora.... Tora Yin.... Who knows what that woman could have done to hurt the case?!" Chrysalis snarled. "She could have even done worse with proper provoking!!"

"I don't know! When she takes over, I lose everything! My train of thought, even control over my own body!" Sora exclaimed. "Keep a close eye on her when she takes over, okay?" 

Chrysalis nodded. "I know. Years ago...Tora...she...!" 

"What's going on, you two?!" Lucas cut in. 

"Tora Yin.... A prosecutor from a six years ago. She was murdered after killing a man.... And ever since that day, she's been taunting young mediums to play her death game," Sora muttered. "And I'm just her most used pawn."

"M-mediums?!" I gasped. Things were getting more confusing by the second. Sora was a spirit medium?

Sora then fell to the ground, holding her head. "She...the coming...!"

"I'll explain this later in more detail! But as of right now, we need to work on making sure the real Tora doesn't come out!" Chrysalis exclaimed. 

"What's going on?!" Lucas roared. "Why is Sora acting so weird!?"

Chrysalis knelt down next to Sora. "Can you hold her off?!"

"Can't...!" Sora whispered in reply. Her eyes were wide as she looked up at Lucas and I. With a deep sigh, the prosecutor collapsed into Chrysalis' arms.

"Sis!" Chrysalis shrieked. 

"Did you just call her your-" Lucas began. 

"Yes, but that's not important!" Chrysalis yelled. 

"Court will now convene. Defense, defendant, please proceed to the courtroom!" a bailiff yelled. 

"Bailiff!" Chrysalis shouted. "A little help?!"

"I'll tell the judge that the defendant will be resting out here until she wakes up," the bailiff said, noticing Sora unconscious. 

Chrysalis nodded. "Thank you." She turned to Lucas and I. "Go on in. I'll stay out here with Sora."

I nodded. "Alright."

After what had just happened, I got the feeling there was more to this case then it seemed....

//July 17, 2028. Courtroom No. 5, 10:00 AM//

The judge slammed his gavel down. "Court is now in session for the trial of Sora Lin. Are the defense and prosecution is ready?"

"The defense is ready," Lucas announced.

"The prosecution was born ready," Prosecutor Bullgard said, holding her red fabric in one hand.

"Wait...where is the defendant?" the judge asked.

"Did the bailiff tell you or not?" Lucas questioned. "The defendant is recovering out in the defendant lobby."

"...In that case," the judge started. "Prosecutor Bullgard, please call your witness to the stand."

Prosecutor Bullgard nodded. "The prosecution calls Abbie Mills to the stand!"

Detective Mills made her way up to the witness stand. She faced the court once she was there.

"Witness, please state your name and occupation for the court," Prosecutor Bullgard said.

Detective Mills nodded. "Detective Abbie Mills. Lead detective on this case."

"Detective, please testify about the basic facts of this case for the court," Prosecutor Bullgard demanded.

"Certainly," Detective Mills replied.


-The crime took place yesterday in prosecution lobby number seven.

-Witness to the Harry Galle murder, Matt Doyle, was murdered.

-The defendant was found at the scene of the crime.

-The defendant's name was written in the defendant's blood, a last minute sign to point to the killer.

"That is all," Detective Mills finished.

"Thank you, witness," Prosecutor Bullgard said.

"Defense, your cross examination, please," the judge told Lucas, who nodded in reply.


-The crime took place yesterday in prosecution lobby number seven.

-Witness to the Harry Galle murder, Matt Doyle, was murdered.

-The defendant was found at the scene of the crime.

-The defendant's name was written in the defendant's blood, a last minute sign to point to the killer.


Lucas slammed his hands on the defense bench. "Have you reviewed the autopsy report?"

Detective Mills nodded. "Well, yeah. The victim died instantly from a stab wound to the chest."

"If the victim died instantly, he couldn't have written the name of his killer in blood!" Lucas exclaimed. "And why would the defendant write their name in blood at the crime scene if they were the killer?! It would only put dirt on them!"

I shot him a thumbs up. "Great going! That must have destroyed at least a little bit of the case against Ms. Lin."

Lucas pointed at the witness stand grandly. "I propose that the real culprit of this crime tried to frame my client by writing her name in blood!"

"And that's where you're wrong," Prosecutor Bullgard smirked. "Are you informed of the defendant's personality quirk?"

"Personality quirk? Do you mean the defendant's second identity?" Lucas asked.

Prosecutor Bullgard nodded. "Yes. You see, the defendant has a second identity by the name of Tora. Tora takes over the defendant's body and is known to be quite rude. She doesn't care at all for the well being of her alter ego, and might possibly frame her for a crime, should she stumble upon one."

The people in the gallery began to chatter. "Are we sure that Tora didn't commit the crime and frame Sora for it?" I asked Lucas.

Lucas' eyes widened. "That's it!" He slammed his hands on the defense bench. "The defense has proof that this alter ego did not commit the crime!"


Yay. Updates.

I got epic ideas for case five while writing this and I'm so happy omg~

Well, I don't have much to say here, so peace out!


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