Turnabout Betrayal, Part 2 (Yuri)

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//August 30, 2028. Morix Law Office, 9:21 AM//

"Morning," said a sleepy voice with a yawn from the doorway of the agency.

I looked up to see Chrysalis walking into the agency, stretching. She yawned again before looking at me tiredly. "Somebody up late again last night?" I asked

"You have no idea," Chrysalis replied, rubbing her eyes. "I was with Anton until about an hour ago. Have you heard about the incident that took place late last night?"

I shook my head. "No. What's it about?"

"Could you fill us in too?" Lucas asked, walking in with H.T., Niamh, and Averl.

"Have a seat," Chrysalis told them. All four of them took a seat on the couch as Chrysalis sighed.

Mr. Morix and Sora walked in from the back room. "Have you heard the news? The double murder last night has hit the press," Sora announced.

"Double murder?" I gasped.

A knock at the door stopped us all in our tracks. Chrysalis walked to the door and opened it. I expected to see a potential client on the other side....

But instead it was a familiar face.

Chrysalis grinned and wrapped her arms around the newcomer. "Lily!" she exclaimed.

"Nice to see you again, Chrysalis," Lily smiled, hugging Chrysalis in return.

"You're finally back from your investigation?" I asked, feeling relief flood through me. Things seemed empty without her.

Lily nodded as she and Chrysalis released their embrace. Her smile faded. "Yes.... But my investigation's results...."

"What is it?" Niamh asked seriously (so like normal).

"Judging by the threat notes, I can conclude that there is indeed a mole among us. I just don't know who it is," Lily answered, eyes down. My eyes widened.

She wasn't lying.

"Do you have any leads?" I questioned.

Lily shook her head. "No."

"...How do we know it isn't you?" Niamh asked, staring Lily down.

"W-what?! I know it isn't her!" Chrysalis cut in.

"Yeah! It can't be Lily!" Lucas agreed.

"You sure are defensive...do you know who it is?" Niamh questioned.

"Get a hold of yourself!" I yelled.

"I'm just saying that it's any one of us! One of us is a mole! And who knows if they have accomplices?" Niamh pointed out. "We only know of our own innocence. Only the traitor is sure of who's guilty and who isn't."

"...What exactly would the traitor be guilty of?" Chrysalis asked.

"My investigation shows that they would be working for...." Lily sighed before finishing her sentence. "The UCA."

Mr. Morix, Sora, and Chrysalis all tensed up upon hearing that title. Niamh and Lucas exchanged worried glances. Averl and I did the same as Lily looked down silently. H.T. looked lost in thought. "The UCA.... Isn't that an assassination group?"

I nodded. "They were the culprits in a string of cases we worked on last year."

"I remember! They took an Interpol agent hostage in a case last year!" H.T. exclaimed. "Wasn't her name Sakura or something like that?"

Chrysalis walked for the door. "I'm going down to the detention center. I want to see the defendant of the double murder."

"I'll come, too. I think I want to take the case, if that's okay with you guys," Lily said.

Mr. Morix nodded. "Go right ahead."

The two were about to walk out of the room when Lucas spoke. "Wait."

"Huh?" Lily asked, turning to face him.

"I want to talk with you two before you go," Lucas told them.

"Let's head into the hall," Chrysalis suggested. The two others nodded before walking out into the hallway. Lily shut the door behind them.

Niamh, Averl, and H.T. all got back to their regular work. Mr. Morix and Sora walked into the back room, whispering words I couldn't hear nor understand. I looked at the door before pressing my ear up to it, listening to the conversation on the other side.

"Give us a second, Chrysalis," Lucas said.

"Got it." I could hear footsteps, most likely Chrysalis, walking away.

"I know who the spy is," Lucas told Lily seriously.

Lily gasped. "W-what?!" she whispered. I myself had to keep in a shocked reaction. But I couldn't blow it! This might be my only chance to discover who the mole was!

"...I want you to find out the same way I did," Lucas replied. "Ask Chrysalis to channel Venus."

"Venus? She was the one who told you?" Lily asked. My sister?! What did she have to do with this? Has she known all this time? Then why didn't she tell us...tell me...?

"She slipped up when I was talking with her at one point," Lucas answered.

"Why didn't you just tell us though?" Lily questioned.

Lucas replied with silence. "I didn't know that they were working for the UCA until you told me. But I think you should be the one to tell the others."

"Alright. Thank you," Lily said.


Niamh's voice made me move my head away from the door. "Were you eavesdropping?" she asked.

Lucas walked in, but my back was to him. I put my fingers to my lips. "Shhh...." I whispered. Niamh nodded slowly before turning back to her work.

"Huh?" Lucas asked.

I turned around to face him. "Nothing!" I exclaimed quickly. I get the feeling he knew that something was up, as he shot me 'the look.' You know what I mean. I know you do. I shied away from his gaze, not willing to meet his eyes when I had just been snooping into his personal life.


Doesn't Chrysalis do it all the time when it comes to Lucas' girlfriend?

I forget her name. But she has purple hair and pulls things out of her scarf.


*insert shrugging motion here* I don't know. Nor do I care at the moment.

But I bet they're a cute couple....

Wait! Now is not the time to ready the canons on my ships!

Back on topic....

Venus knows who the spy is, and she told Lucas when she slipped up in speech. Why didn't she tell us? Even if this was a test, this is serious!

But was it possible there was something even deeper?


Eh I stink at cliffhangers

Well, take a chapter. I rose from the ashes known as clothes shopping for school to bring this to you.

I think I'll just sink into the depths of fangirl land.

AKA Insanity Land.

What was I talking about?

-a life deprived Digital

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