Turnabout Wilds, Part 5 (Lily)

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I knew just one thing about this case: I had to save Mr. Sparrow. He didn't do anything wrong. I have a gut feeling that just screams that at me. When I made that accusation, I just had a gut feeling that I was going in the right direction. I remember Apollo saying something about a girl who requested the defense of her boyfriend and she ended up being the culprit. Maybe this was just a coincidence, but I felt like I was doing what was needed to find the culprit.

"Lily, I don't think that this is right," Chrysalis whispered to me, her eyes pleading. She had called me 'Lily' as opposed to the usual 'Lil.' She was serious about this. 

"I know what I'm doing, Chrysalis. Just trust me," I told her.

"I...I can't." Chrysalis looked away from me silently.

"And why is that?" I asked. The tension was so thick between us you could cut it with a knife.

"I can't tell you that." Five Psyche-Locks appeared. But for some odd reason, it seemed like the chains were doubled up. I wonder.... "Something wrong, Lily?"

"Sorry," I said, shaking my head. This wasn't the time to arouse suspicions. "Don't pay it any mind!"


I turned back to the trial at hand to see Prosecutor Moody's hair streaks red as fire. "You accuse somebody of being a murder and just whisper with your co counsel about screwing it up?!"

"I apologize for that, Prosecutor Moody," I told her, hoping that the black haired prosecutor wouldn't get overly angry for Chrysalis and I conferring. "And yes, I do accuse Ms. Cana Ree of murdering the victim that day."

"What evidence do you have to back up your claims?! You can't accuse somebody of killing another without evidence to back it up!" Prosecutor Moody roared. I swear I saw smoke come out of her ears. Either that or I should have gotten a little more sleep last night.

"My evidence is the testimony of this witness," I smirked. "The witness mentioned seeing a yellow haired person. Ms. Ree has yellow hair, which would match up with this witness' testimony. This is evidence enough that Ms. Ree could be the murderer and also proves that the defendant did not commit the crime."

"T-the prosecution wishes for more investigation time," Prosecutor Moody stammered.

"Why is that, Prosecutor Moody?" the judge asked.

"The witness said that he saw a yellow haired man. The defense accuses a woman. The prosecution wishes to investigate further to see if any yellow haired men are involved in the crime," Prosecutor Moody answered.

"Any objections from the defense?" the judge questioned, turning to Chrysalis and I.

"No," Chrysalis cut in. The Psyche-Locks were still there. But what did she know about this case that I didn't?

The judge nodded. "Very well then. This court finds the defendant, Sean Sparrow, not guilty. Cana Ree will be arrested immediately and her trial will be tomorrow. Court is adjourned!" He slammed the gavel down on the bench.

//June 23, 2028. Defendant Lobby No. 3, 12:04 PM//

"How could you have accused Cana?!" Mr. Sparrow exclaimed, running up to Chrysalis and I.

"Yeah, Lily," Chrysalis said, her eyes piercing my soul. "Why did you accuse an innocent woman?"

"You guys really believe in her innocence?" I asked. "Both of you?"

"Cana and I are really close. She would never betray me like that...to kill a person...she wouldn't," Mr. Sparrow told me.

"And you?" I questioned Chrysalis.

"I...I...." The Psyche-Locks reappeared. "I just believe that somebody else is the killer. That's all." I shot her a 'I know you're hiding something' glance. Chrysalis seemed to catch on, as she looked at the ground nervously, fingering with her wrist piece.

I nodded. "I apologize for accusing her in court. Is there anything that I could do to make it up to you?" I asked Mr. Sparrow.

"Could you defend her in court tomorrow?" Mr. Sparrow questioned. "It's funny. Yesterday, she was asking you to defend me, and today I'm asking you to defend her."

"I'm perfectly fine with going back to court to defend her," Chrysalis replied. "What about you, Lily?" She didn't seem as angry with me now.

I nodded. "I'm in." I had to make it up to him. That stupid mistake needed to be fixed.

"Thank you so much!" Mr. Sparrow exclaimed. "Could I help you out with your crime scene investigation?"

Chrysalis grinned. "I don't see why not. You can be our tour guide for the zoo."

"And...there's one more thing," Mr. Sparrow told us, a frown forming on his face.

"What is it?" I asked. I wondered if this would do anything to our case.

"There's actually a yellow haired man that works at the zoo...." Mr. Sparrow whispered.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"R-really?" Chrysalis questioned. Those Psyche-Locks are rather persistent. They still haven't gone away. I'm starting to question this case and its relation to Chrysalis....

"One of Raven's fellow tour guides," Mr. Sparrow told us. "His name is Shiram. Shiram Lion."

Chrysalis burst into laughter. "Wow! That's absolutely perfect!"

"What's so funny?" I asked, more than a little confused.

"That pun! Can't you hear it?!" Chrysalis exclaimed, still laughing extremely hard.

I shook my head. "Now I know how Niamh feels."

"Ahem," Chrysalis said, regaining her composure after her giggle fit. "So, where to now?"

"I think that we should head back to the agency to talk to your older brother about the case so far," I answered.

"I should probably get back to the zoo so that I can start taking care of Perla while you do that, anyways. She's probably still sick," Mr. Sparrow said.

"Could I go with you? I want to see the bird," Chrysalis told him, plastering on a fake smile. Sometimes, smiles are just obviously fake. And as proof, I could sense pain in her heart. Things are getting crazier by the second.

"You should come with me," I said, taking her hand. Chrysalis nodded silently.

"I'll see you guys later then," Mr. Sparrow grinned, walking away with a wave.

But one question lingered in the air that I just couldn't get to leave.

Why all of the secrets?


Ooh yay updates are grate like cheese.

I'm getting v excited about this book because there are even more plot twists than last time.

Then again, there was just one very easy to see coming plot twist last time.... This time, there are tons of em and nobody sees them coming.



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