The Doubled Turnabout, Part 4 (Lucas)

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"What is your proof, Mr. Red?" the judge asked as I smirked. 

"It's quite simple, really," I said. "Let us just say for a moment that this alter ego of my client's did commit this crime and frame her for it. What would she write in the victim's blood?"

"Well, it would be the defendant's name so that she would get off the hook...!" Prosecutor Bullgard squeezed her fabric piece tighter as I nodded. 

"Exactly. Writing 'Lin' in blood proves that the alter ego did not want to frame my client. Because if she had written 'Lin,' wouldn't that also point to herself as being a possible culprit?!" I exclaimed. 

"The prosecution wishes to call their next witness," Prosecutor Bullgard said. 

The judge nodded. "Very well then. Call your witness, Prosecutor Bullgard."

"The prosecution wishes to call Erin Anderson to the witness stand," Prosecutor Bullgard announced. 

Ms. Anderson walked up to the witness stand slowly. She looked slightly off her game, if you know what I mean. 

"Witness, name and occupation," Prosecutor Bullgard demanded. 

"I'm Erin Anderson. I'm an accomplice to the Oracle of the Law, working as a criminal to stop an assassination group," Ms. Anderson replied. 

"You're the witness to the Harry Galle case, aren't you?" the judge questioned. 

Ms. Anderson nodded. "Yeah. I'm also victim of blackmail, if you all were to recall."

"Enough with this idle chit chat!" Prosecutor Bullgard yelled, squeezing her fabric. "Witness, please testify about what you saw the day of the crime."

"Alright. I will," Ms. Anderson replied. I was starting to notice what made her feel off: she wasn't making any eye contact. Weird. But why would I find something like that to be odd?


-I was in the courthouse for the Harry Galle trial. 

-I was walking by the prosecution lobby when I heard it. 

-There were two people shouting. I listened in.

-But then came Matt's scream! I tried to break in, but I failed. 

-I went to tell somebody, and when I came back, the doors were open. Weird, right?

"And that's about it," Ms. Anderson finished. "

"Mr. Red, your cross-examination, if you please," the judge said. 

I nodded. "On it, Your Honor."


-I was in the courthouse for the Harry Galle trial.

-I was walking by the prosecution lobby when I heard it.

-There were two people shouting. I listened in.


"What were they yelling about?" I asked.

"It went a little bit like this:" Ms. Anderson started. 

"Ah! It's nice to see you!"

"You have no idea how nice this will be...for me."

"What do you mean?"

"You saw things. And because of that, I can't have you saying anything. So I must ask for your eternal silence."

"That's all I remember before the scream came," Ms. Anderson told me. 

"Could you add a summary of that dialogue to your testimony, please?" I questioned, a plan forming in my head. 

-The people were yelling about seeing things. I don't know what they meant. 


I smirked. "The defense has a proposal."

"And that is...?" Prosecutor Bullgard asked. 

"Judging by what the witness heard, we can conclude that the victim saw things," I began.

"Well no duh, Sherlock!" Prosecutor Bullgard interrupted. "Why don't you propose he heard things, too?!"

"That's where I'm going with this," I continued, ignoring her sarcasm. "The victim was a witness to another crime, the Harry Galle murder. I wish to propose that the real killer, the one who framed my client, killed the victim because he was a witness to another murder!"

"But, I was a witness to that case, too," Ms. Anderson whispered. "Why hasn't the killer eliminated me yet?"

"Because, if you will recall," I started. "Somebody blackmailed you into revealing information. They must have found you important to their scheme, so they kept you around. Not to mention, the killer would want as many possible scapegoats around to pin their crime on."

"I was just a pawn to them...!" Ms. Anderson muttered, eyes wide. "How could I let this happen...?! And all because I can't protect him!"

"What are you saying, Red?!" Prosecutor Bullgard demanded. "Are you claiming that this crime and the Harry Galle murder are linked?!"

I nodded. "I believe that the real killer killed because the victim saw their crime. When they killed Harry Galle at the local prison!"

"Then why frame the defendant?!" Prosecutor Bullgard commanded. She glared straight through my soul....

"Because for some reason, the real killer has it in for my client," I answered. 

"Thinking back," Ms. Anderson cut in. "The voice I heard other than Matt' wasn't Sora's voice.... was some other woman. Some other murderer...the killer in the Harry Galle case...."

"Do you have any idea who this mystery person was?!" I exclaimed. I know I'm grasping for straws here, but why not try? 

"It sounded like...I don't know. But I think I remember hearing this woman say one more thing," Ms. Anderson whispered. "Something like, 'I bid you good luck...Sora. Good luck getting out of this one.' Or something similar."

"This witness' testimony aligns with the proof that somebody was trying to frame my client for this crime," I smirked. "And Ms. Anderson, try harder to think of who this mystery woman was!"

I don't think that she was lying. Why would she tell the truth this far in if she was the culprit? It wouldn't make sense. As of now, I think I can consider her testimony credible. Emphasis on 'as of now.'

"I think it sounded a little bit like somebody from the Harry Galle case...but without the accent. Yes! I remember! It was-" Ms. Anderson suddenly stopped, her breath heavy. "It was...."

"Yes?" I asked, suddenly concerned slightly. 

"It was...I can't say," Ms. Anderson sighed. "I just can't."

I followed Ms. Anderson's gaze. She was staring at a certain blonde with curly hair...Anton?!

Even if his safety was blackmail against her, why would she be so unnerved?

H.T. was sitting right behind him, watching the trial intently. Ms. Sinn was next to him, also watching. Okay. Things just crossed into crazy town.

Why would this matter though? Anton has nothing to do with this case....



Ah yay updates. 

I really want to finish this case so I can move onto case 5/the big bang of a case. 

I want to spill stuff but I know I shouldn't. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah (confused Anton noises)

*(\* These lips are sealed.

*o* Or not.


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